This PUAHate forum must've been to Erin Ryan what the Holy Grail was to Indiana Jones.
This PUAHate forum must've been to Erin Ryan what the Holy Grail was to Indiana Jones.
white guys are really just the worst.
More like res ipsa loquitur, mothafucka.
i like the end where he spaces out & obviously forgets what he was talking about in the first place.
anybody notice that ridiculous LeBron flop?
I layered in a little barefoot running and switched over to minimalist shoes (yes, sometimes Vibrams, but mostly only on the treadmill). I still have some knee issues, but nothing like the problems from before. In particular, I don't have plantar fasciitis issues or shin splints that I would get from the shortest of…
you just got trolled
ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which i shall not put.
Bruce Lee used to hold his farts in his hand and throw them in opponents faces. He called it his Wind Chun style.
maybe, no, maybe, no, YES, no, yes
this fixes it snijderman.
awesome, thank you so much! the new format is shit.
"...this is clearly not a hangman's noose and the dummy was already black in color, it is not like they spray painted it black."
Why is the NBA so bad? Is it me or is officiating much less of an issue in college hoops?
que absurdo!! bravo!
here's one after after the cowboy's game last year