
Neck and neck with Kiss From A Rose for best song of ACS

Line of the series

Siravo has been amazing as Goldman — that quick shot of him at the press conference was so good as he's wondering aloud what the fuck is going on, and of course his monologue in Marcia Clark's office was haunting. I'd watch this guy in another ten episodes where he's the hero of the civil trial. How about Frank

We need to bring in Cage as Gerald Uelmen for the finale!!!!!!

No love for Kenneth Choi's Lance, Pilot? He was pitch perfect tonight recreating Ito's outbursts — both in yelling at Darden and almost breaking down in court after Fuhrman fuhrman'd Capt. York. I demand a spinoff!!!

disagree — that scene of him flipping out in the car was really good work. and his confusion when the police tell him there's no "list" to get into O.J.'s crime scene of a house was a great introduction to the character. Anyone portraying him would be in a tough position in my opinion because, just like in the trial,

I thought that line reading was outstanding. It's such an easy, lazy narrative to dismiss Schwimmer's acting because of his sitcom roots; anyone still clinging to the notion that he can't be taken seriously as an actor because he was on "Friends" just got the biggest fuck-you, straight from the source…even if he

dat rack focus tho

I don't think my phrasing necessarily makes that implication —- you could be fucking incredible at getting away with murder (like one of Johnnie's clients) but we recognize there's no admiration implicit in being proficient in that type of occupation. Anyway that's all semantics. Johnnie definitely put on a show and

CBV & SKB better be in separate categories come awards time because they both need gold hardware for these performances. Brown is giving Paulson's Clark a run for her money as the tragic hero of the series which I could have never expected in the wake of Sarah's tour de force but I suspect she'll lock up that title

Trust me I read you loud and clear, and no doubt about that jury —- they fell for his soothsaying and the post-mortem interviews they've given post-verdict reach levels of insanity whenever any of them discuss the logic behind their four-hour deliberation —- I was speaking more to the point about how both Cochran's

These two pairs aren't mutually exclusive mate