
Stealing millions of dollars is not as bad as grabbing someone’s butt? Our society doesn’t believe that. What Franken was accused of is an E Felony here in Tennessee. Embezzlement can be an A Felony, depending on the amount. I think that what Weinstein, Polanski, Masterson, or Roy Moore is accused of is worse than

I thought the guys were awesome on Spont. Seemed to me like Paul was definitely in on their bits.

I think he did the right thing, especially under the current circumstances, but at what point do we accept that all people are flawed and do bad things? Hillary Clinton didn’t murder anybody, but she did cheat and gain personal wealth and power in shady ways. She did sell out her party to lobbyists. Obama did the same

Are Democrats really on the right side of history, though? Franken was one of the party’s actual go-getters; one of the few whose voice legitimately helped the voiceless nationwide. I dunno, maybe this will ensure that future Democrat politicians will comport themselves better. But keep in mind that Franken didn’t

I think that people usually know what they’re getting into with Hollywood Handbook. Lapkus didn’t seem as much surprised to me as she seemed non-plussed.

At least Raised By TV gave us that excellent Hollywood Handbook ep. It might be my favourite ever.

As Sean put it when Lauren was on Hollywood Handbook: “I had this really unique, specific experience where I was watching all the most popular shit back then”

I think the overlap of people who like Anthony Bourdain and people who voted for Trump is pretty minimal.