Tony Stark, forever grey.

The visitation schedule isn’t really — and shouldn’t really be — about what’s best for the bio parent, though. DCF’s job is to do what’s best for the child. If DCF thinks the mom is an unfit parent and they’re not seeking reunification, it’s really in everyone’s interests to not have a lot of visits. It makes the

Both are oversimplifications. The truth is somewhere in between. Officers are absolutely authorized to use deadly force in their own defense, not just that of the public. But it doesn’t sound like he needed to use it here.

No. They’ve also been known to court order couple’s counseling for domestic abusers and their victims.

I don’t know that I’d say they were making unlikely friends when they excluded trans people from several versions of the equality act.

HRC has a really problematic record in a lot of respects, I would say they definitely have a history of pandering to an establishment.

It would be really nice if the conversation about reforming the justice system and the habeas process weren’t centered around a white man who is almost definitely guilty.

What we’re disagreeing about is whether or not it’s okay to have sex with someone who is incapable of giving consent. It’s not the fact of disagreeing that makes what you said disturbing, it’s the content of the disagreement.

I’m not moving the goal posts, you said that all this woman did was give a man a blow job, and that he might have consented. You said something I found despicable, and I addressed that comment specifically. I find that a lot more shocking than your believe in alternatives to incarceration. If a man had done this,

We absolutely know that he didn’t consent because he was incapable of giving consent because he was incapable of communicating. Her method of “speaking with him” is widely regarded as junk science, which she well knew. No other person was able to replicate her results with this individual, and she served as the only

You are truly a parody of yourself.

I’m surprised he’s tapering you off without tapering you on. That’s what my doc did when I switched from Zoloft to Prozac.

“Penuss”es definitely don’t. You also don’t have a picture or any followers, making your account an obvious burner and a probable troll account.

The only thing she knew about this man was that he was uncommunicative and profoundly disabled. Without having any other way of getting to know him as a person, the only thing she could have been attracted to was his powerlessness, his vulnerability, and his inability to give consent. Being attracted to those things

And you have a burner account named “Penuss” so that doesn’t lend a lot of cred your way.

People say that a lot, but it’s not actually true when you get into higher level offenses. The thing is, the circumstances and their roles in the offense are rarely actually the same.

You think losing money is a sufficient punishment for repeatedly raping someone?

MAYBE a minimal jail sentence for the repeated rape of a mentally disabled man?

That is straight up fictitious.

Your reading of every comment in this thread has been irrational. I’m not going with your gut on this one.

Didn’t Letourneau marry her victim?