Tony Stark, forever grey.

Seriously? He said nothing negative about her in this article. Get off your soapbox.

I don’t think you’re really getting what I or others are saying. I’d be fine with a determination that the song was no longer fine. That the meaning had changed so much that the song should no longer be played, because the thing it meant when it was written isn’t what it means anymore. Kind of like how Swastikas were

Who cares though? He raped children and suffered basically no punishment for it. I have no respect for the media outlet, but if this was the only kind of interaction R Kelly had with anyone for the rest of his life, I’d be fine with that.

Fuck Catholicism.

FGM only applies to a few discrete immigrant populations. And if men learned, there’d be nothing to aid and abet.

I hope what you’re doing works for and is helping you!

Oh, I burned every single DVD i could find when I discovered the beard length difference. As any true fan should.

IDK about you but I insert the race of people I’m talking about into basic visual descriptions all the time. I refer to my moisturizer as my American white but ethnically Jewish white-passing face cream.

What makes it so crazy to me is that they clearly PHOTOGRAPHED it. Like they didn’t even word search a digital copy.

Internalized misogyny doesn’t cause violence against other women in the same way. But I wouldn’t be opposed to teaching women about things like what to do if they experience it.

Just get a SAD light therapy box, pal. Alaska Northern Lights. Mine is fab.

This isn’t about that, though. It’s basically about what the story MEANS. The Tarzan story always meant the same thing, we are only just now recognizing what it means as racist and sexist. This song meant something, when it was written, that it may no longer mean now.

Do you not realize that the past is different

I think his name is actually Hot Soccermom.

I just keep hoping he gets hit by a train.

Here I had hoped his point about the failure of the justice system would be about his bull shit plea deal.

Having been in a domestic situation where I was the family member being singled out for physical and verbal abuse while other family members did nothing to help me: I understand why they were silent. I understand that they were scared. I’m not angry at them anymore. It’s a complex situation where you don’t know what

I recently cleared myself when I investigated whether or not i ate all of my roommate’s chocolate pretzels.


I disagree because she was saying that they couldn’t call it rape because she didn’t feel violated AND she said he was harmless, and encouraged others to trust her evaluation of him.