Tony Stark, forever grey.

I get you. And I think would be a decent, reasonable and appropriate response. I’m not sure if I think it would be better.

You’re probably right, but I’m choosing to remember it my way because it makes more sense.

I’ll grant that if there’s anything in the exchange that’s not appropriate, it’s the “say it’s carol singers” line. Although I think it’s pretty harmless, as she’s very much free to out him at any time. But I honestly don’t think anything else is wrong with it.

I do understand where you’re coming from. And I think in general, not bothering someone with your feelings when you know it’s going to cause a problem is a good rule of thumb.

Sure, but you can want a lot of things without going to inappropriate lengths in order to attain them.

I’m definitely glad to hear that I’m not crazy for thinking it spans some actual length of time. I’ve never had especially strong feelings about the film one way or another, but it’s one of my partner’s favorite movies. She usually watches it to cheer herself up when she feels awful, so I’ve seen it a few times. And I

Oh, I know. Lots of men love this movie. But it’s not for them. And the success of a movie that mostly centers on a traditionally feminine conception of romantic love makes a lot of men uncomfortable.

Honestly, I have no objection to analyzing problematic shit in media I like. I just need the analysis to be fair. If people want to talk about how it resembles creepy behavior, or how we shouldn’t push the grand romantic gesture as an appropriate way to express love, I’m cool with that.

While I will defend best friend guy, I do think that would have been a way better movie.

That’s fair. But I think some people feel like they need to say the words before they can let it go, for their own sense of closure. Obviously he’s fictional, so he doesn’t strictly speaking need anything. But I know that leaving something like that unsaid can gnaw at you. I don’t know that what he did was the best

No worries, I was out when you replied so I saw this notification first.

Apparently not everyone else on this thread remembers it as I do, but I believe that at least some of the storylines are set about a year in the past.

You could be right. I thought more time had passed because the boy’s mother’s funeral happened and in a later scene we see Liam Neeson expressing interest in someone, and that seemed like too soon.

I thought it did span a year. Like one Christmas to another Christmas. Or at least I think some of the storylines did? Maybe I’m getting confused because the airport scene at the end skips ahead.

Because a lot of women do love this movie? And a lot of men mock it, and harsh on the characters in it, for this very reason?

Thank you, I appreciate that. And I’m doing a lot better than yesterday.

I’m a lawyer. Of course I know the legal definition of stalking.

Except that’s not what happens? Stalking is defined as the willful and repeated following, watching and/or harassing of another person. Unlike other crimes, which usually involve one act, stalking is a series of actions that occur over a period of time.

Yeah, exactly. I mean, this may be me looking at it through a personal lens. But I’ve always looked at the scene and wished any of the guys who’ve had a thing for me over the years would have reacted this way instead of doing what they did.

I honestly don’t remember what the deal was with the wedding interruption. But I didn’t get the sense that he ruined her wedding video intentionally or in bad faith. They had another official photographer, didn’t they? IIRC they hired someone to handle it, they had a problem with the photos, and they called him