My entire point is that it’s not stalking. If you would like to critique my opinions, it would probably help if you’d read them first. Just a suggestion.
My entire point is that it’s not stalking. If you would like to critique my opinions, it would probably help if you’d read them first. Just a suggestion.
I mean, the whole thing was geared towards him not finding out because knowing would hurt him and he doesn’t need to know. I think it’s an awkward, uncomfortable and painful situation for all involved, and that keeping husband out of it was an attempt to spare his feelings.
I don’t think it’s some great cinematic masterpiece, but I do think a few of the stories get twisted into things that they aren’t. And I think people are often unfairly critical of it because it’s a chick flick, and we’re naturally inclined to be dismissive of films for female audiences.
Can you find anywhere in that statement that I said “I believe in this” or “this is definitely what real love looks like” or “based on a true story” or even “this could possibly happen to someone”?
I will grant that telling her to lie and say it was carol singers is the one part of that whole thing that borders on inappropriate to me. But for him, I think that entire exchange was actually just about moving on.
Yeah that was pretty much what happened. They just both went home, or whatever.
I am in the camp that Best Friend Guy actually didn’t do anything wrong. He was avoiding her to keep his attraction to her from becoming a problem that would somehow hurt his friendship, or her marriage. Strictly speaking, he DIDN’T tell her that he was attracted to her. She came to his apartment, started watching the…
Because the person recounting the story to you doesn’t actually remember it correctly. He meets her when he’s on vacation and she’s working as his housekeeper. She leaves when he comes to the end of his vacation. And he immediately starts to learn Portuguese in order to speak to her. A year later, after not having…
I feel like I should have taken a picture of my IV fluid bag.
That’s not bad. I’ve heard the world building is good, but I’m just not that interested in watching a show without compelling characters. Maybe I’ll reevaluate when I find out if that problem is limited to the pilot. But I’m not about to reward them for this stunt.
I doubt it. The parallels between Nazi Germany and the Trump Campaign + refugee crisis are obvious. I don’t really need them pointed out to me.
Except I really doubt it’s going to have that effect. Before this, I planned to watch the show. But this marketing campaign is so next-level fucked up that I’m really not inclined to do so anymore.
Jesus Christ. Before this, I planned to watch the show. The alternate history of WWII thing is an interesting premise. It’s based on a Philip K. Dick novel. It’s got some good people attached to it.
I somehow read the word “unwatchable” as part of the title and I was about to come here and FIGHT you.
That’s stupid. This is how he’s choosing to deal with the tragic death of his wife, and that’s none of your business, nor is it inherently religious. Holding on to pain and anger hurts people. He’s choosing to do what he thinks is healthy, which is particularly important giving that he has a fifteen month old child.…
There’s a groupthink post about it. It seems to be huge and growing.
I’d check out the NY Times article from Nov 17. It sounds like he’s going to make gawker all politics, and make Jez all celebrity bull shit.
Eh. If they got like 20 of him, they might add up to one marginally noteworthy person.
Sounds like it. Presumably because celebrities are, of course, the only thing women care about.
TheMarySue is sometimes good? But nothing is really Jez.