
or MAYBE its a common Asian trope?

You westerners and your typical brawn = strength stereotype.

Plus the fact that thats what cloud looks like in every interpretation of him since the 3d polygon era.

The one that surprised me is Barret. He looks significantly thinner now. I remember him being stockier.

The multiplayer is probably free. So you’re basically paying $40 for the single player. Didn’t you wonder why it wasn’t priced at $60?

I'm sorry but this article makes no sense to me.

"Wow, a cute puppy!! It cost $28? pfft that's too expensive.....Oh wait, there's other stuff in with that? Yeah, but nobody is gonna buy the whole set for those stuff. Let's not count those then. So $28 just for a puppy? pffttt that's too expensive...."

That's because you are approaching this whole thing wrong. Its as if you're hoping to spend 50 hours on learning EVERY hero, EVERY item, and subsequently EVERY other variable instance before actually getting into playing the game for fun.

THATS IMPOSSIBLE. You'd do well to get that sort of thinking out of your head now.

"Yet every time some stupid bullshit happens somewhere gaming-related, it involves MOBA games. Swatting, threats of rape, and general unpleasantness and all."

Yes, because dude-bro shooter multiplayer games NEVER had these sort of cases before.

According to the police, the suspect had apparently warned the teens before to be quiet, allegedly getting angry and telling them not to play video games at night. The day of the incident, it's said Ishimoto apparently complained that the teens were being noisy, and he apparently seemed intoxicated.

You CLEARLY didnt understand OP's intention ==

My my, gaming Elitism is engulfing the air quite nicely today isn't it?

it took me awhile, but its been clear as day to me for a while now that many of Kotaku's readers (or at least most vocal commenters) are basically hipsters: judgmental, self-righteous, and never miss a change to snub their nose on people they

This wasn't even a good troll

Who is that old man suppose to be?

The Japanese Hugh Hefner?

If you love Bleach, then you should be fine with Naruto. Its miles better.

OR maybe you could get over yourself :D

Funny. This was exactly what I fantasized myself doing if I were to compete in e-sports (and be good at it).

Just so there isn't any confusion (like those at other sites ==), the class isn't about teaching students how to get better at playing DotA and how to become a professional player.

It's more about teaching intangible skills like teamwork, coordination, and out-of-the-box thinking using DotA as a medium.

They are alot of the times. I honestly dont care. I'm comfortable enough in my own skin to give 2 hoots about what my characters look like, as long as they have varied personalities to be interesting as characters.

I had hope our more "sensitive" counterparts would be the same (and i know a lot of whom are). I did

'the creative director of both Assassin's Creed III ... that such a setting would be "boring".'

The irony.

Not gonna happen this year. Valve already gave a statement to that effect So even the joke wont be funny.

Based on the map design and the gameplay, it seems like this mod is supposed to be its successor. Pretty sure the modder copied the original warcraft 3 map to an extent.