
I think when you say "A lot of people" , you meant "a small minority of un-fun, woke-up-on-the-wrong-side-of-the-bed-so-i'm-cranky-towards-anything people on kotaku".

I havent met any vitriol towards this on other gaming sites that covered this.
This was the best gaming related thing in a long time.

You are a very cynical person

Nice try, although inaccurate. You dont have to pay anything to see the stuff. I assume that's a TF2 crack more than anything.

thats why nobody really watches a match in the player's first person view. Most people watch through what the commentator sees

To me, what's weird is that its a combined group of RPG games and Massively Multiplayer. Of the latter, only Dota 2 really fits that category. It's odd to say the least. I would have thought that game would be in the strategy game section

Mine is MechaHitler. Idk why, but among my friends, it wins every time

wow. So, when you saw that reference, you decided to insult the poster. Then, when he calls you out on it, you claim that you didn't do it out of ignorance, but rather out of willfulness?

You do realize that it's a reference, right?

Sailed right over your head, didn't it?

it's funny coz he's fat!!

I am.....

"How dare you write an opinion about an opinion in a Journalistic network? You have written an opinion that not only contradict's mine, but also guy I'm butt kissing as well. This makes me feel small, not withstanding my also small penis."

I really wish you didn't write this article with this context. Most of the people who posted on the Volvo page are only doing this for the humor (instead of actually being pissed about not having Diretide). It's just internet trolling. Giving it a negative connotation just made me lose some respect for you as a writer.

Volvo is just a derogatory nickname DOTA 2 players have been using to call Valve when they are upset. Just like when they start calling Dota "Doto" for similar reasons. Not sure how that started but its been going on for years. So, in this particular case, Volvo the car manufacturer has absolutely nothing to do with

no no. Its racist that you even thought of it that way.

Actually, if we're taking it from its chinese origins, Ramen is actually called "La Mien" in mandarin which literally means "Pulled Noodles" which is indicative on how it is made.

I dont know the full process, but a major part at the end before each noodle is cut is when the dough is pulled to stretch it.

No, you pretty much made the correct guess. But just because one knows how to do it doesn't mean he can automatically put into practice. Hence, "in theory".

If that's the kind of reaction to my post, then you've just confirmed my "assumption" that you're trivializing it.

Plus, you're kind of a dick.

Thats just in theory. Actually pulling it off that well is really difficult.

Actually, its very understandable that they banned it.

For one thing, the movie made the Prime Minister some Chinese monk character, when in our constitution only a Malay or "Bumiputera" can be elected to that position. That means no Chinese can ever get it.

Secondly, it paints Malaysia as a Chinese populated country

It's actually banned here. Just made everyone wanna torrent it though.

Hilariously inaccurate movie though. My family had a big laugh