
funny thing is that the only thing separating salt and scum is he must be one clean dude

it is the more glaring elitism that is becoming prevalent in gaming culture. smthing we as a community should avoid, but is inevitable in the progress of growth.

yea, but a lot of the technological development to build the space program was accelerated by WW2.

Within the last 3 months:

I dont understand why every takedown is an actual stab. Why not a nice clean slice off the throat.

That's a real person??!!

I think you meant to say "This isn't for fun anymore...."

I think the biggest barrier for e-sports to becoming a veritable mainstream broadcast event is the perception of gaming in general. Right now, most viewers already plays the game (or its predecessor) or are friends tagging along for the ride. In a way, it is incredibly niche.

Its true, there are a lot of anti-chinese sentiment not just in this article, but throughout the live in-game broadcasts among streamers in the US servers.