
I was just here to come to say this, basically. I don’t know if I’ve ever bought a game at full price since $80 became the new normal.

I was very good at playing one game at a time until I finished it...until I got Steam. Now I have a ton of unplayed and partially finished games, and the habit has spread over to my PS4 as well. There I’m playing the Spyro trilogy and slowly going through Monster Hunter: World, and I have Rise of the Tomb Raider,

That is really good to know! I lost a bunch earlier on and felt kind of sad about it, but I’ll try to train myself not to be devastated if it happens again.

I’m making my way through Hollow Knight finally. I got it on sale on Steam many months ago, but I stalled near the beginning of the game because I didn’t realize I could buy items that would show my icon moving on each area’s map and update the map whenever I got to a bench to rest. Suddenly the game opened up for me

Take your star and see yourself out

I heard about it last night and felt almost sick to my stomach. I don’t see how Terrace House can possibly exist anymore if it led to this.

Me: *clicks the link* There’s no way I’m watching 25 minutes of this

I’m in Edmonton, Alberta. We’re doing quite well here, usually no more than one or two new cases per day at this point. However, we’re expecting a surge in the next few weeks because the government is allowing certain businesses to reopen (hair salons are, for some reason, allowed to open right now). Calgary is not

Since I started actively using Steam in the last year or so, I’ve become one of those people who buys a ton of games and then doesn’t finish them, so I’m trying to rectify that right now. I finally beat the final two bosses in Sundered, and I just have to beat the devil in Cuphead and I’ll be done my first playthrough

Here in Edmonton we had a hard left turn into spring a few weeks ago. Around March 21 we were still below 0 Celsius, and we even got snow in early April. Then, suddenly, it got warm and whenever my girlfriend and I can go out to walk, there’s tons of people enjoying the sunshine (most of them keeping their distance

It was so extremely hard to find in the original Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald games. I still have vivid memories of fishing in every “square” of the water in one particular place until I finally found the one square it could be found at.

I picked up Monster Hunter: World a week or two ago and am just now getting really into it now that I’m through the learning curve. Really itching to play a ton more of it!

All this extra free time has allowed me to catch up quicker on several podcasts I’m way behind on. One of those is The Podcast For Laundry. It’s a very surreal satire of podcasting where a guy (Brett Davis) starts a podcast specifically about laundry. His life eventually spirals out of control as he burns bridges with

When my girlfriend and I saw it we didn’t really know who was in the cast besides Zachary Levi. She kept commenting on how Freddy looked like a young Adam Brody, and when the transformation scene happened we both freaked out.

I guess it very much depends on how the waffle or pancake is made. I have had very substantial pancakes in the past, but I tend to make the lighter, fluffier variety.

They also feel much more substantial. I feel like I could eat six pancakes and not feel full, but after two or three waffles I’d be about done.

If you have a Hoopla account through your local library, the website has something like 1,100 titles now available through April 30 that you can borrow and won’t count toward your monthly borrow limit:

Adventure and Adventure II obviously hold the nostalgic first place in my heart, but I have to give a huge shoutout to Digimon Savers. That was kind of incredible for the real stakes it seemed to have, and BanchouLeomon is still the most badass Digimon ever.

I’m not the most savvy with livestreaming technology, but we’ve been playing Jackbox on Steam and the screen sharing worked quite well. If Discord works with a smart TV or something like that, it would be a very viable option for you!

My girlfriend and I have started playing Jackbox games remotely with people by screen-sharing on Discord, and it has been such a breath of fresh air from our otherwise monotonous days. Even with no other people in the room it still very much feels like a party!