
I recently read a book about a Canadian writer’s trip through modern-day Rwanda and I’m now reading one of his recommended books, Dancing in the Glory of Monsters, which deals with the wars in the Congo. Not happy reading, but very interesting nonetheless.

This is an incredible book that I’ve read multiple times, but it remains his only book I’ve liked. I tried Only Revolutions, which was hot garbage.

I swear to god I saw “Nick Wiger” as the writer before I realized it said “Will Widger” and I was mightily disappointed.

Love this game even though it becomes frustratingly difficult quickly!

Stephen Amell really brought a wonderful presence to Oliver’s character as he got older; he has so much history with so many characters now that are brought up simply by a look or by carefully chosen words.

I was so enraptured by the first episode that it wasn’t until after it was done that I realized there were no British accents.

My brother and I got Pokemon Black and White, respectively, and I was massively pissed that he got Braviary in his game and I was stuck with this piece of crap.

“Watch never-before-seen story moments that cover up some gaping plot holes answer some burning questions to the Dragon Ball Z lore!”

Also that guy that brought him to the gun rage full on says he’s killed people and it’s the least disturbing part of the episode.

Though it only happened once and the entire experience was maybe half an hour, nothing beats the first time I played Journey with a randomly chosen companion. The person and I were matched right at the beginning of the story and we played together throughout the entire storyline. The person never charged ahead and we

I bet you anything there’s a trend among teens in the Pokemon world called the “Polteageist Challenge” where they drink as much of it as they can while livestreaming.

Spiders-Man needs to be involved somehow. I am legitimately disturbed by that character, more so than almost any other comic book hero or villain alike.

What shall we do with the drunken sailor
What shall we do with the drunken sailor
What shall we do with the drunken sailor early in the morning?

This column is great in that it forces us to really dig deep and try to understand the mess that is the Pokemon universe.

There’s probably so many missing child cases in the Pokemon world that could easily be solved if Phantump could talk. Alternatively, if a child is missing long enough, perhaps the police departments just close the file and say “Eh, probably just another Phantump.”

I think you had some leftover info from Shedinja because Whimsicott is a Grass/Fairy Type!

I’d love for Zack to deep dive in the existential horror that is Porygon-Z, which is perhaps more disturbing than Shedinja because of the vagueness of all of Porygon-Z’s Pokedex entries. We know something is wrong, but not really what that something is.

Among many other questions relating to its poop and the poop’s use in clothing, would people have to consistently remove and re-add fresh poop to keep warmth? Does the Pokemon world not have better ways to insulate by now?

In the current arc of Green Lantern, the Blackstars are a subset of the Darkstars that are...more intense? Something like that.

*cue Gori and Washimi’s walking music*