
I spent the whole summer working my way through the KH PS4 collections and am just about to finally start KH III today, so these comics have been just in time for me. 

As my girlfriend was reading your intro to Klefki she said “Wait until he sees the garbage bag Pokemon.” Trubbish is...something.

Well, Zack, re: the splicing requests, the other most common splicing request we got was Gardevoir and... I think there was a very specific reason a lot of people wanted that.

I used to help run a Tumblr blog that did Pokemon splices, and Luvdisc drove me crazy. It was often requested to be spliced with another Pokemon, but the problem is that it’s just a blob. Combining it in a satisfying way with another Pokemon was almost impossible because it has no arms, legs, tails, or ANYTHING

From most comments I’ve seen on this site, it seems a lot people were pleasantly surprised by or outright loved Titans. I, on the other hand, could not bring myself to love it. The violence in the show feels like violence for its own sake and took away any enjoyment I could have had in the series. I think I’m just


The use of the word “computer-generated” in the headline made me think it was a series written by an AI and...I don’t know if that would make this show better or worse.

Putting it out there now: the next live-action Pokemon can just be the movie Speed (or Crank), but with a Spoink.

I am slowly working my way through the Kingdom Hearts: Story So Far collection. I stalled at Chain of Memories because Sora’s story mode took me forever, but I’m just about to finish Riku’s story mode and look forward to revisiting Kingdom Hearts II next.

In my experience the truly good-hearted, sensible people never live in any media I consume, so I’m so glad my man Davos is alive and well.

HBO will ring the bells to signal that it is responding to fan demands

She is retired, sadly.

I have to imagine Alolan hospitals have a special “Bewear-related injuries” ward.

There’s a theory that in the games (specifically Black 2 & White 2) the character N is actually a Zoroark, because at one point you see a Zoroark outside of the cave, it goes inside, and then you never see it again BUT you immediately see N. 

I’d love to know what Silcoon is like, since it also evolves from Wurmple. Perhaps it likes the pain?

If Pokemon were real, some asshole would use a Xatu to spoil the ending of Game of Thrones for everyone.

Bless this series. I look forward to it every week now because I end up learning a ton of weird shit about Pokemon whose Pokedex entries I don’t read thoroughly enough.

I don’t understand how you can put Arman and Yuuki in front of Han-san!

My girlfriend, who has a solid knowledge of Gen 1 and sporadically beyond that, knows it’s called Dedenne but refuses to call it anything but “Little Raichu.”

A couple of suggestions: