
May I humbly suggest Porygon-Z for the next one? It has some crazy fan theories around it and is generally the creepiest Pokemon ever, in my opinion.

When I was 10 years old my friend came to my front door and knocked. I was excited to go play so I ran to the door. In my stupidity, I put my hand on the little window next to the door to stop my momentum...and shattered the window. I had some big cuts on my left arm and a shard hit my friend on the forehead. She got

Update: he got a one-game suspension AND recorded this absolute gem of a PSA.

I’m glad someone is talking about how huge the mythos of the Incredibles is. I remember watching the movie and going through the DVD extras and being frankly a little creeped out at all the dead people talked about.

Katie Cassidy is so much better off as Earth-2 Laurel it’s ridiculous.

Yeah, no one will ever do that voice as well as Tony Jay.

Michael Emerson is a treasure. That look of devastation when the ARGUS agent told him his son had died was so affecting.

So next episode will be an hour-long Rusty backstory, right?

Same! My girlfriend didn’t even notice and I wondered if I was going crazy.

I’ve seen about half of this show so far and while the tone is fun for the most part, my biggest problem with it is its weird tonal inconsistency. It’s mostly light/comedic, but suddenly there’s horrifically scary scenes with the main villain, and then moments where the characters are suddenly being tearful and

“This Little Piggy” is one of the greatest Justice League episodes. B’wana Beast! One of Red Tornado’s only lines in the entire series being “SOOOOOOEEEEE”! Batman singing! Deeply sarcastic Medusa! The closest acknowledgement that Batman and Wonder Woman should have been a thing!

I’m surprised “She Drives Me Crazy” didn’t come up at all as Melissa and Todd went at it.

I totally believe the segment on missing Kevins happened, because that transition from serious news to fucking pancakes is totally something a morning show would do.

Best line of the episode.

I've seen gruesome dismemberment on television but I do not remember ever exclaiming as loudly in horror as I did for that catheter yank.

The dead seriousness with which Kevin said "paw" as Dean was explaining his theory made me laugh so much harder than it should have.

I thought the scene where Diggle got through to Oliver was one of the most touching scenes I've seen in this series. His drawing a parallel between his need for penance as Spartan was a nice way of drawing this season together.

My girlfriend and I were trying to come up with Fellowship analogues for each member of the team:
Ray and Nate - Merry and Pippin
Amaya- Frodo (because she thought she could resist the staff's power)
Mick - Boromir (gave into the temptation)
Sarah - Aragorn (strong leader)
Rip - Gandalf (because he knows about everything)

I just watched the first episode and considering I first read these books 15 years ago, I was absolutely delighted and remembered so much from The Bad Beginning. I cannot wait to see all of this.

I love that Lewis is now wholeheartedly accepting everyone's weirdness.