
I don't know if I just haven't expressed deep emotions in a long time but this episode had me crying multiple times. And then laughing at the Shawshank stuff, the 10-pound burrito photo…

Seeing Jon Hamm killed in this episode made me laugh as hard as when Will Ferrell was killed last season. Any other actors that would be great in popping up in this show and dead five seconds later?

Basically it's about the people who work for hotlines (suicide hotlines, phone sex hotlines, etc etc) and what brought them there, if they ever "break the rules" by meeting with clients, stuff like that. It's a lot of talking heads given the subject matter, but it's a great insight into an industry that is still very

She was in a documentary called Hotline a few years ago and I attended its premiere at Hot Docs in Toronto. She was at the premiere and was such a warm and funny woman who still managed to keep going after the whole debacle. I actually came this close to getting a palm reading from her!

I watched the trailer and thought to myself: Did I just smile? Multiple times?

That comic is too beautiful to adapt.

Totally agree with you re: Ready Player One. I was especially put off by the way he used pop-culture references in lieu of real character development, especially that cringeworthy paragraph about the car he brought to that big party, with references to Ghostbusters, Knight Rider, etc etc.

I'm currently reading 'China High' by ZZ. It's a memoir by an American-educated Chinese man who goes back to China, starts a food-delivery business and then gets arrested for smoking marijuana on the street. He is a supremely douchey "look how amazing my life is" kind of guy: always talking about his great

Can also relate: my girlfriend and I have been living in a basement apartment, and our upstairs neighbours are a young couple with a two-year-old. We hear EVERY GODDAMNED STEP they take, and last night, we could hear them pacing the floor from 11:30 p.m. to roughly 1 a.m. (my girlfriend had to get up at 6:45 this

When Shireen died last season I honestly didn't know if I had any emotion left in my bones. If Davos dies I will become a hollow shell of a human.

I feel like the Faceless Men would probably find a more clandestine way to advertise for open positions.

"Trump calls for immigration ban on tween comedians"


Don't know if someone has suggested this already but where is President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho?

Do give it a try! It's by Mark Z. Danielewski. It's very dense and experimental but it is truly one of the creepiest books I've ever read.

Control's continuing breakdown kind of reminds me of Johnny Truant's life in House of Leaves if you've read that. It seriously creeped me out.

I see your point there — especially given David Goyer's comments about She-Hulk a few years ago,

Someone once suggested Tatiana Maslany and though she doesn't quite fit the profile, I feel like she can confidently play anyone at this point.

Seriously, how has Marvel not looked at She-Hulk and seen gold? She is a kickass woman AND it could balance action and legal drama. I mean sure, Daredevil has some legal drama already, but a She-Hulk show could mine some great stuff out of even the Marvel universe's lesser characters facing off in court.

I'm reading Authority, the second book in the Southern Reach Trilogy by Jeff VanDermeer. I decided to read the trilogy after seeing it pop up in "weird fiction" Google searches and it's intriguing as hell. I'm in the dark on so much of what's happening and even when things are revealed they just open up more