
"So, your firewolf can fly?"
"…Yup, I taught him."

"Why don't you shut up and then also marry me?" Is Archer starting to grow a heart or is it just me?

I wouldn't be surprised if Brett inexplicably resurfaced. That man is immortal.

I was so waiting for him to chop his own arm off. He would have reached Aquaman in Justice League levels of badassery. But alas.

Agreed, I thought that most of the jokes landed for once, which is rare. The "you're a weird guy" and "that's about Brian's level of political awareness" lines were the two best moments for me.

I flipped out when I found out that Zuko might possibly maybe be appearing. I NEED this to happen.

I decided to give this thing a chance. My brother walked into the room about 20 minutes in and asked "What's this?"
"Really dumb," I replied. I still feel that way.

I've apparently been only watching episodes of TV lately that have been emotionally charged and it's tearing me apart. That was possibly the saddest ending of any Regular Show episode ever.

I'd love to see CJ return! I really liked her.

I'd argue that the evil Party executives had the best lines.
"Ugh, sushi! The Chinese food?"
"We were just trying to pay back our student loans!"

I just watched the first two episodes today and I agree. I was a little thrown off by the animation at first but I'm already used to it. I have hopes for this show.

You're definitely right about that. I immediately thought of "Grilled Cheese Deluxe" when I saw that video.

Even though Starla's mom didn't have any lines, I may have laughed the loudest when she just wordlessly gives Starla the car and is abandoned on the side of the road.

A box of—

"Wrestle a bear. Don't lose."

I'm going to add "21-12 Time Attack" to my list of "probably awful fictional movies that I would watch the hell out of."

I was actually expecting this to be a big breakthrough for Don and for him to admit to Sally that he actually has a problem, but then I shouldn't have been so optimistic.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus That was a low blow.

If Bob uses the term "hamboning" in future episodes that will probably be a dead giveaway.

According to the first comment in the discussion it was likely "How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling" by Norman Vincent Peale. His book "The Power of Positive Thinking" is still in print today, which is pretty miraculous.