
Right, that's what I figured. Now I wonder, though, whether that was supposed to tell us something about his personality or if it was a hint of something to come. You never know with this show.

Anyone have any idea what Bob was listening to in his office when he got the phone call? Was it just the radio? Was it a recording?

I think Felix is my favourite part of the show so far. He's not afraid to just tell it like it is.

Hi, recent convert to the show literally as of today. Space (the channel it airs on in Canada) marathoned the entire first season leading up to the season finale and I ended up watching 8/10 of the episodes (I think I took a break during episodes 5 and 6). It's been a pretty thrilling ride I must say. That garbage

I can't think of an appropriate Community reference that hasn't already been referenced to express my joy about this news.

If there was one pleasantly surprising moment to me in that episode, it was when Don actually sang and did the motions for that Abraham song. I thought he was way too much of a sad sonofabitch to actually go along with that. I actually smiled when that scene happened, which is I think the first time Don has actually

It was definitely a little weird to suddenly re-focus on Thomas, but I enjoyed the episode quite a bit, mainly because of Pops and Dr. Henry. And the Cool Cubed monster thing definitely reminded me a lot of that coffee monster from "Caffeinated Concert Tickets" right down to the random Asian sidekick, so I got some

I can only imagine how awful "Rigby's Stress Mix" is.

Well in some fairness, the showrunners didn't get a chance to gauge audience/critical reactions while the season was happening- everything was in the can when the season premiered in February. Let's hope they have learned a bit.

Your comment has made my life, sir.

This is I think the very first time I've thought Todd went WAY too far with this review. This wasn't the best episode by a long shot but it felt like he was having a temper tantrum by the end.

I found it a tad dumb that the Mr. Gold magic they used involved seeing what Regina was seeing and feeling what Regina was feeling.Gold has used some kind of tracking spell before, why couldn't he do that again?

It's getting harder and harder for me to establish where in time these flashbacks are taking place. Although I imagine the most plausible solution to this is that I really shouldn't care.

I laughed louder than I've laughed in a really long time when that squirrel made his appearance.

Although I did like the image of the tow truck pulling Benson's totaled car away, it just made the ending that much better.

I was howling at the "I thought you were Jane Lynch" line. I am so glad Satya Bhabha found something to do after Scott Pilgrim.

I also immediately thought of ReBoot, and I really hope that was a reference to it. One of my favourite shows as a kid, but watching it again last summer had me getting lots of references that went above my head when I was younger.

"Whatever you do. don't look into the eyes of the millionaires. Their green will blind you." This show's representation of millionaires is so much fun.

Just now saw this episode and wow, could not believe that scene made it in.

I definitely laughed really hard at "No dioramas." It was kind of like in season three, when professor Kane mentions that they'll be making a diorama and the class groans.