
@Sean Hunter: Oops, I might have StarCraft II confused with something else. Please try it and see if it works if you can get into the beta. I'm honestly not sure at this point.

@Rinaldus: The $5 million in damages would be split and paid out to the individual members of the class action lawsuit, not to him alone. The lawyers are going to get a huge chunk of it, so they're probably the leeches in this more than anything. I am not a fan of class action lawsuits, but Sony needs to either figure

@Mariblanka: You just need to be on an Intel Mac. I'm pretty sure it would be compatible with 10.5, or else Blizzard is alienating a huge portion of its audience. I'm less sure about 10.4.

I've been playing in Boot Camp for a while now, I wonder how the performance is compared to Windows. My guess is that it won't be as pretty.

@poroporo001: Agreed. Sony is not in a position to sell the PS3 at a significant loss again.

@BasedOnLuck: It's been working intermittently throughout the evening. I got disconnected during a game. Shame, I just got my key from the Gamestop preorder deal.

Printer cartridges are a scam in themselves. Millions each year fall victim to the ridiculous prices that printer companies charge for ink and toner. And printer cartridges have the equivalent of "DRM" in them - anti-tampering measures try to prevent manual refilling...

@iamKitKatBar: Yeah, because Linux support totally implies piracy. I've bought plenty of DLC and games from the PSN, and plenty of PS3 games. What's wrong with wanting to actually use this content while keeping a fundamental feature of the original PS3?

@LegPhoenix: For what, may I ask? Trying to retain a fundamental, extensively advertised feature of the PS3 that I actually use?

I'm still waiting on Geohot.

@Kobun: USB 2.0 is very fast. It really depends on the flash drive's speed. If you attached a fast 16GB SSD to it, then you'll get extremely fast loads, depending on how fast the rest of the system loads the content (it won't be the storage device that is "bottlenecking" the loading performance).

@nago: The solution, then, is to play it on a flash drive, though the arbitrary 16GB limit really hurts.

@DarkSolstice: I thought the BBB handled consumer relations issues.

If the community is truly collectively angry, they may have had a bit of a leg to stand on if Valve had not supported TF2 for long and so extensively. Valve deserves to be able to make a few promotions from TF2 like this now and then - it's not like the profit margins from TF2/The Orange Box are nearly as high as they

@jasonburnett: The fact that Google renamed themselves for a day had to have helped a bit.

To think that the DS was originally released in 2004 absolutely blows my mind. It's been so long.

@Kiwi Kawaii: Indeed. There definitely needs to be more transparency and more accountability in the military. The military isn't a corporation, they don't need a PR firm, they aren't making profits, and they have no reason to cover up these actions. It's driven by public funds. If it's not something that is

Datel is the manufacturer of the Action Replay series of cheating devices and is actually quite prominent as a third-party device manufacturer.

@dosukoi7: And after that, you would still have enough money left to buy 13 copies of Hustler.

I'm really liking the shifts in perspective. You're going from third person, to first person, to sidescroller, to FMV cutscenes. As a fan of Metroid, I wasn't really interested in the game until now.