
I propose a mass DDOS of IWNET servers, making matchmaking impossible on all three platforms (or at least on PC), until they release a patch with dedicated server support. #modernwarfare2

They think we're stupid and need that "helping hand" that consoles owners get while not giving advanced players the option to host dedicated servers. And they also think that we're all pirates.

NO! NO! NO! They changed my mind to buy this game when they announced it wasn't delayed but now there's no way in hell I'm touching this game with a 10 foot pole. #infinityward

1) Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess: 2h 12m (3 times)

@coolbho3000: Oh, sorry iPhone users, this idea's *removable* only.

@Lesinski: I wonder if covering your battery with aluminum foil (keeping it away from the terminals!) will help act as a sort of heatsink and thus extend battery life.

If you have a rooted Android device, the SetCPU application can throttle your CPU speed while the phone is asleep or if the battery is low, and turn it all the way up if the phone is charging.

@WolfmanWalt: The system urges you to update if your PS3 is connected to the internet whenever you start the game (if I recall correctly), you CANNOT play online, download from the PSN, or play newer games without updating the system.

First off, in this age where almost all PC games are priced at $50 at maximum, Activision has no reason to charge $60 for a platform on which they have to pay no licensing fees, and on which manufacturing costs are much cheaper. A two week delay (if this rumor is true) would be the last straw for me.

@liquidnumb: Except that's not the case at all. It was (and has been confirmed to be) a sloppy attempt at blocking legal homebew.

If they end it with that, it won't have gotten as much support as TF2, but still much more than most retail games these days, with three major updates.

Too bad you can't patch the Wii version. Zing!

@Mupp: First Strike for Battlefield 2142 is comparable as well.

@sam1am: I tried editing my hosts file in Windows 7 with an administrator account (UAC off too) and it was read only by default. Neither of my text editors could save over it without elevated privileges. Was your edit successful or did you simply just open the file?

@sam1am: No! You said that Mac OS X runs the "same family of operating systems that run OVER HALF THE INTERNET." This is simply not true - OVER HALF THE INTERNET does not run on Unix-based operating systems! I assumed by this that you thought that Mac OS X was part of the same family of Linux, which does power OVER

@sam1am: Please research your facts. The Linux kernel is not in the same family as Mac OS X. Linux is merely "Unix-like" and was originally developed to be a free and open source alternative to Unix. Mac OS X shares no code with the Linux kernel.

@DrXym: So donating processing power to Folding@Home is considered foolish now?

@omgwtflolbbl: The Homebrew Channel is almost synonymous with piracy? Are you serious? Have you even familiarized yourself with the Wii homebrew scene before coming to such a bold conclusion? You claim that you are not attacking the homebrew scene, while this very statement attacks the homebrew scene significantly.

I guess that as original PS3s become more scarce, the scientific fields building supercomputers out of them will have to look somewhere else.

@Paradox me: Are you saying that just because you own a 720p set and not a 1080p set ($700 sounds like it)? The difference is quite pronounced, although current generation consoles (PS3, 360) will usually render 3D games at 720p max. Anything above that is generally upscaled by the console or the TV.