
I’m with you. Justin Lin as the director really put a damper on it for me. Star Trek is NOT Fast and Furious. However, this clip gives me a tiny glimmer of hope. If there is more of this kind of banter, that’s a good thing. This is pure Trek, the Spock-Bones fights of old. What it can’t do however is be all stunts and

Bingo. Also they don’t have a “home” to go to like humans, so they are always breathing in car fumes, etc. Granted, I’m sure country living is still “better for you”, but in the grand scheme of things I would be sceptical that it makes a huge difference to humans like it does with the birds. Also have to consider the

I agree with Rob. While the DD scene was great, the sheer complexity of the TD scene - movement throughout multiple locations, switching subjects, the choreography, the tension, etc., just puts it into its own class.

as in, “normal” humans wouldn’t be tossing a car around like it weighed 80 lbs...., hence a transhuman (wiki it)

I agree with a lot of what you said. My only concern is offline access. Until you can run web apps offline, I still need a traditional laptop. For example, someone in this thread just posted about Amazon Storyboard. I looked and GREAT app......BUT....I’m toast if I’m not connected. If I’m near wifi, great, but there

That looks really great.....but....what do you do when you are offline? I assume it only works online?

I hear ya. And yet, no outrage from anyone? Pot, meet kettle. I don’t care who kills who but for some reason it’s ok for women to cruelly slay innocent men, you know, just cause they’re “badass”.

Well...that’s part of the “experience” for a lot of people, including me. The only time I eat popcorn is when I’m at a theater, and same for candy (for the most part)

So yeah, if you aren’t into it, that’s cool, but to say “just eat beforehand” as a solution doesn’t work if that is part of what you like about the

This was better than the actual film. Too bad I didn’t have this before blowing $15 on A New Hope Awakens. Thanks for posting!