
Callie, I understand that this article is about presenting white women's hair trends as universal. You're not ignoring, as some people have said, that there is a long tradition of braiding in white cultures. But I don't think things are so straightforward.

What ads? I have been using Ad Blocker for many years now and it's a good life.

I get that for adults, "naughty" has all these associations with sexuality. But 4 year olds don't tend to have those associations. If I was a 4 year old, I'd be like "GOOD! I don't want to be a tame, well-behaved leopard, while all the other cool leopards are out there being their bad-ass self. Fuck that noise.

What succinct phrase would you use to describe a woman who is not dating or married to a man, but carried his (their) child? feels really good if done adds a little variety...I have different orgasms from anal than I do from vaginal risk of pregnancy when I'm fertile...

The Catholic church will never say abortion is always cool, or gays can get married five times, or birth control should be put inside of pinatas at teenage girls' birthday parties. Those things are pretty against core beliefs of the faith. But this man is doing something amazing. He has broken the mold of his

I LOVE the new pope. And I'm Jewish. You know the pope has to be poping awesome for me to pope on board.


Also, he drives a 1984 Renault 4L. Which is a far sight more humble than a bulletproof bubble equipped mercedes SUV.

And he says we can get into heaven, just so long as we aren't assholes.

Good lord I hate pot heads. Not people who happen to smoke pot, but those that are all about the stoner culture and whose very reason for living is to smoke pot. You know those people, right? Awful.

I just feel like people would react differently to hearing that a 34-year-old dad who was home alone spent all of Saturday in his pajamas, smoking pot, playing Plants Vs. Zombies 2, and watching the first Jackass movie than they would if it were a 34-year-old mom.

This is from a super fringe section of the Catholic church.. the Catholic church has a rich tradition of education given the thousands of elementary, high school and universities that the Catholic church has in America. Seriously, this isn't the best researched article.

This guy is just some jackass, he doesn't speak for the Catholic church.

This intersects in kind of an interesting way with the drop in the teenage pregnancy rate, including drops among low income teens. Assuming both studies' findings are accurate, we seem to be failing to get services to women in their 20s and 30s.

I ain't done never seen a finer baby than them produced by Spanky and his crew of Highway 24.

From an evolutionary perspective, "no birth" is the same as dying. Unless you can get your siblings to have four kids, which contributes the same amount of your DNA to the gene pool. :)

"Now, a hospital birth is safer than a home birth — although "no birth" is your safest bet."

Smoking is inflicted on the people around you when you do it, and the people forced to deal with the smell if you smoke inside your home, office, or car. As someone with allergy issues, I can tell you that the lingering smell can be almost as headache- and reaction-inducing as the actual smoke. If it was something

You know that Crest commercial where they say "If you're not whitening, you're yellowing?" That's how I feel about pregnancy prevention: if you're not actively preventing, you're inviting.

If you're using the pullout method and you get pregnant, is that really an accidental pregnancy? This argument drives me crazy, and as my friends and I have shifted into our late 20s / early 30s I see it happening all the time. If you and your partner choose to forgo birth control and then get pregnant, I don't really