Cats do too have expressive faces! Ear direction, whisker direction, wideness of eyes, these all make for facial expressions. Add in head position, tail position, and body posture, and cats are very expressive in general.
Cats do too have expressive faces! Ear direction, whisker direction, wideness of eyes, these all make for facial expressions. Add in head position, tail position, and body posture, and cats are very expressive in general.
I used to work at a barn with a ton of semi-feral barn kitties. I was away for a week, and when I came back, one of the kitties promptly clawed her way up my leg and into my arms. Don't tell me cats don't feel attachment. I've never seen any evidence for that.
The cat's domestication is incomplete, in terms of its need to continue hunting and also in terms of its ability to socialize.
I already live with something that can read my facial expressions and body language: my husband. I don't need my cat to be able to do the same thing.
I think most cat owners know and like this. Or at least I find it amusing to live with a tiny wild animal who happens to love snuggles.
At least the George Washington house is with it enough to hire a slave roleplayer. A lot of landmark houses in the South just euphamistically refer to "servants' quarters", and let the slave quarters decay, so there is literally no visible sign left of the people whose work made all that you see possible.
Oh god, "What if Martha Washington needs something in the middle of the night?" I just can't even deal with the level of ignorance it takes to ask that question.
Point taken, in this specific scenario.
in some cases it's also a big fuck you to what the fetus needs - in my case we found out in the second trimester that our fetus was missing a large portion of his brain. to have that child would have been a big "fuck you" to him and most definitely not an act of love as he would have been a vegetable his entire life.
Great accomplishment. Maybe it will generate more comments from your readers than the Miley Cyrus/Twerking/MTV article? Just kidding.
It's really a shame how disastrous these rapes can be for the rapists. Rambold, the Steubenville guys, the Michigan football player — it practically ruins their lives.
Maybe it would be better if they didn't, you know, rape people.
Am I the only one who is terrified she's going to fall on the baby?
As the last person on earth who doesn't use Instagram, I have no idea why this account t should be suspended, all I know is that I feel like we have heard enough from this family. I'm not anti-nudity or anti-breast feeding, but the whole…
I'm 34. I'm not at all surprised that stores that were cool when I was in college are not relevant to the youths anymore. I hope this means they close their stores so we don't have to smell that awful cologne they spray around.
Transsexuality is something you're born with. People come to terms with that and decide to "become" the opposite sex in their own time; you don't have to have any physical intervention to declare your gender or come out as transsexual. As far as the medical procedure is concerned, for people that do opt for the…
Don't even comment on this story like none of you have ever wanted to stab somebody with a shoe at every fucking baby shower you've ever been forced to sit through.
Why the fuck are we caring, again?
I'm pretty sure I just got pregnant with Mark Ruffalo's baby by reading this, so I doubly appreciate his support for abortions