Yes, they might. They are not currently, and therefor it’s a bad comparison, as many other people have pointed out in much more detail than me already.
Yes, they might. They are not currently, and therefor it’s a bad comparison, as many other people have pointed out in much more detail than me already.
Well said.
While we have made huge strides in the treatment and management of HIV, it is still not comparable to syphilis/gonorrhea/chlamydia. A better analogy off the top of my head would be Hep C, but even that is now curable. HIV is not.
Depends on your climate. Where I live five months out of the year your butter will turn into a butter puddle if it’s not refrigerated.
From the context I thought maybe it was a retail oriented branch of Stormfront.
Yeah, it is in no way true.
Your friend is on crack, eucalyptus trees burn like fireworks in forest fires and are not native to California. No one is intentionally planting them to ‘control fires’.
I made mittens for my little! They’re cashmere lined with fleece and he’s probably going to lose them the first time he wears them because they’re black and will be impossible to find. But I didn’t have any neon green cashmere sweaters to cut up, so there they are. They’re not perfect, but I’ve been in a crafting…
Yeah, I really don’t get it either.
Send them all back to Egypt, they’re probably secret muslims anyways.
Native Californian here- if you’re serious about CA you should understand that the coastal strip (the insanely expensive part) is culturally a different country from the central valley and Sierra Nevadas. The laws may be liberal for the whole state, but culture wise I’d be willing to bet the majority of it is pretty…
(I cannot take credit for the beautifully appropriate original application of this meme to this subject, but it shall be repeated until it’s no longer true.)
That is a thing of goddamn beauty.
They do, I have a friend who has one!
It’s like white trash mad libs! :D
I would hope not, but I didn’t ask.
Ugh. I want to go, my guy wants to stay, I’m not quite prepared to break up the family and divorce over it. :\
I have an acquaintance up here (who confusingly used to be a tree sitting hippie before moving back?) who has her and her husbands guns in an unlocked glass front case in their living room, in a house with four kids. I just. don’t. get. it.
Maybe. Do you shoot guns after dark in the pouring rain?
Oh for fucks sake.