
“What most scientific studies conclude is that what matters is that you love your kids and want the best for them.”

Todd is not a good name for anything.

If the schools actually had a system that worked in place already I would feel differently, but time and time again we see that they don’t. So why continue something that they shouldn’t be involved with in the first place, and that they are managing completely ineffectively?

No, it really wont be...

This x 1,000.

It’s the difference between slapping some gauze and pressure on a bullet hole and calling 911, and trying to remove the bullet yourself. A rape kit is a fairly long and involved process that should absolutely not be done at a student health center. Give the victim counseling and triage, and drive them to a hospital

I’m really glad I’m not the only one. As flawed and horrible as the police are when it comes to handling rapes, they are (supposedly) much better equipped to do it than a freakin’ school.

I’m commenting on the way liberal media portrays Islamic women and the way we the liberal consumers respond to it, not the content of the article itself. Banning the burqua is fucking dumb, we’ve already covered that.

No shit.

It seems like a very narrow tightrope to walk, to acknowledge that what some women choose to do out of freedom of choice other women have absolutely no choice about at all. France is definitely failing, so far.

It’s illegal in some states for an 18 year old to sleep with a 16 year old. Are you comfortable saying that that is a crime 100% of the time? I mean morally/ethically criminal, not legally. As we’ve already covered, it is illegal.

Wow, fuck that shit.

Oh, gotcha. I don’t follow this stuff super closely, but if that’s true that fucking sucks.

...Because everyone was thrilled by that relationship? Are you trying to troll?

I was going to make some snarky comment about how they’re definitely not going to regret those tattoos in tens years. Then I saw his other tattoos.

He’s 1,000 steps up from Chris fucking Brown, so I don’t really understand either.

I feel like the whole house of cards really starts to collapse if we start to go down that road. Which is not to say you’re not absolutely correct. Our legal system is deeply, deeply flawed.

I agree, which is why I don’t think they belong in the same category as violent rapists and pedophiles. I’m on the fence whether statutory rape should be something that lands you on the sex offender list to begin with.