I think all those chunky ones are fake. They look suspicious, photoshopped? Beware, fellow hedonistic nappers!
I think all those chunky ones are fake. They look suspicious, photoshopped? Beware, fellow hedonistic nappers!
Also, there is no way this guy is only 44. I want to see his birth certificate.
I got a piece of chameleon armor from some legendary and although it wonderfully cloaks me while standing still, it glares-out my PipBoy screen so badly that I have to deactivate it whenever I need to find some aid or whatever. For reals, the whole PipBoy screen becomes a glowing blob of uselessness, completely…
Ugh, isn’t anxiety the worstest? I hope things are better for you now that you’re out of that relationship. When I have an attack I try to remember “This won’t last. They always end. You won’t be like this forever.” It helps.
I’ve never experienced domestic abuse, but I know what it’s like to have anxiety so bad you can’t leave the house or function. Or breathe.
You were too good for this world.
Haaaah! Best episode! It’s the one I always watch first when I need a little BC hit to get me through the day.
Hey now, don’t drag The Simpsons into this shit-show. They’ve got their own problems.