Cookie Lipschitz

It doesn't take Sherlock to deduce that this steaming pile of cynical rubbish is long past its due date. Season 4 is off to an abysmal start, bad writing, horrible sets and actors that are clearly sleepwalking on their way to their next paycheck.

Why the fuck are you writing about a movie (in this a ridiculous piece of propaganda filled with utter nonsense) before you've seen it? Are you that desperate for copy? And for those who haven't seen it, this is the most inaccurate depiction of drone warfare imaginable. Garbage.

An absolute piece of shit. Terrible script, lackluster directing - and a waste of Karen Black. At least Hitchcock had the sense to hang it up after this one. You have to wonder if he was just sewing up the last of a multi-picture deal so he could go home and sit on the porch and wait for death.

This would only be newsworthy in a nation of complete idiots…oh, yeah. Sorry.

Put down the pipe and come up with a retort that takes more than two synapses to concoct. I dare ya.

I took them and your sorry ass generation is still here. So I guess as much as I'd like to think otherwise, you people actually exist. Damnit…

She's a war monger and Wall Street Whore. How's that for naughty?

I can't really tell if you're being serious or you're a fucking idiot…in either case, maybe put down the pipe for a bit…

As long as it keeps this fool from meddling in politics, I don't care what sort of moronic retreaded shit she produces to be enjoyed by a bunch of brainless Millennials, lamest generation ever to grace this deeply stupid country.

Nah, She's had Bill pegged in the ass for years.

If there was a pill that would make your sorry ass, know nothing and do less generation vanish, I'd take it.

Perhaps, but not as much help as you need forming a complete sentence.

And from the equally limited information that I can derive from this post, you're a fucking idiot.

STFU and go get "pegged" - maybe Hillary will oblige.

And how does it work in Australia, when you get "Tony Dumb-Dumb" as your leader?

No, dipshit, it's somebody who's actually bothered to do a bit of research and what's that called again…oh yeah, reading.

Jeezus fucking christ, what is the matter with you people?

If you call that grotesque wax museum smile on her face and that bizarre banshee-like shriek "personable".

At least you have your priorities straight.

Hillary's a Wall street whore and a war criminal.