Agreed. “Becky” could be anyone or even multiple people. Rachael Roy was the one who is “outing” herself as Becky.
Agreed. “Becky” could be anyone or even multiple people. Rachael Roy was the one who is “outing” herself as Becky.
Standing. Fucking. Ovation for this comment.
...No. If Philip Roth was allowed to write the same fucking story over and over, about boring, ruthless men on navel-gazing quests for sexual fulfillment — and win prizes for it — and be called one of the greatest writers of his generation — I think we as a culture can afford Beyoncé space to take what is personal to h…
Also as a side note I feel like the word *drama* gets used in a really gendered way, specifically as dismissive of women’s voices, feelings, experiences.
Is it drama if it’s Beyoncé singing about her life? She annon’d her. No one had to know or even know it was autobiographical but Roy is so thirsty she wants it known it’s her. That’s where the drama is.
I feel like Beyonce is being quite direct, not really anything passive about it. She’s putting a personal experience, one that unfortunately is shared by many, in a political context. If that’s over your head it’s one thing, but it seems like if you’re reading a post about it and commenting on it, you give more than a…
Yes. I’m only allowed to complain about one thing per year, and this is my thing.
I still look for the cat I grew up with at my parents’ house. She died when I was 23 or so, I’d had her since I was 9. I am almost 30 and I still hesitate leaving a door open (or closed, depending on the door) because I don’t want her to get out/be locked in. It’s hard. You miss them all the time at first, and then…
This is beautifully written and brought back a lot of funny memories of obnoxious shit my dearly departed cats used to do.
JUST GONNA SIT OVER HERE CRYING GUYS. I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve owned both cats and dogs and losing them opens up a hole in your heart that can shock you, especially if you aren’t prepared for the pain. You did a great thing by providing him with a home while he was here. You’re good people.
I was listening to College Drop Out yesterday and I found it really bizarre how poignant he can be in his writing but so incredibly stupid in his “real” life.
Maybe he sees how well Trump is doing and thinks this is a good start for his 2020 campaign?
at this point I can’t tell the difference between Kanye and Trump.
I wonder if it bothers her that her last name is Bacon. Has she tried to change it to something healthier, like Amanda Chia Seeds?
I find it delightful that she eats all that ridiculous shit, yet her name is Bacon.