
Chuck burned everything down. His relationship with his brother. His relationship with his firm. His friendship with Howard. Ultimately, he committed the final control freak move — suicide.
Chuck was certainly no halfway guy. In his world, it is all control to him or nothing at all.

I'm a southerner and I couldn't agree with you more. And some of us are on the front line fighting.
Sadly, as a firsthand observer of southern culture, I can say that the caricature is sometimes too kind.
On the other hand, often the most backward areas of the US are rural areas (regardless of region). The South

She has no other life. She doesn't even sleep at home. She showers at a nearby gym. When she says, she "eats, sleeps, and breathes" Mesa Verde, she literally means it. She has no room for other clients or interests.
It isn't healthy, and it isn't how one should work. She obviously needs support.

The would be the last straw for poor Jimmy. Kim going back to Howard and Chuck. In truth, Kim needs support with Mesa Verde account. It's too much for her to handle on her own.

I know. Heart-wrenching.

Can't though. He's on probation and pre-trial diversion. One slip and he's a felon, in jail.

I got the oddest, creepiest feeling when Anita described how she felt when her husband just disappeared and she has no idea what truly happened to him. The look on Mike's face as she talked!. And the only thing that I could think about was how Mike dies in the desert, probably never found, just disappearing from his

Or both.

Go for season 4. You'll be glad you did. It is by far the best written, best acted season.

Just finished season 4 and loved it. I think it is the best season of OITNB yet.

It's like "A Christmas Carol." Old, old device.

He is in "Mercy Street" on PBS.


What do you know? A thing like that.

They were talking about what the future would look like, and Melanie thought that "it," the future, would look like it was presented at the 1963 World's Fair. Which she apparently attended. Don then asks her what was her favorite part [of the World's Fair].

Well, it wasn't a pound of flesh, but it was flesh Ginzberg gave just the same.

Unfortunately, my mother made Betty look like Mother Goose.

Actually, Pete is on fire. He keeps bringing in new business. Lucrative business.