
There’s also the fact that direct purchases undeniably mean better content for everyone. When you’ve got loot boxes you can get away with having 1 great skin and a dozen crappy ones because people will disregard the crappier ones in an attempt to get to the good one, which has lower odds. But with a cosmetics store,

Wouldn’t you rather just be able to buy what you want? I think cosmetic MTX in $60 games are never going away, but they feel far less predatory when you can just go to a shop and pick whatever skins or hats you want rather than rolling the dice in hopes you’ll get that rare Junkrat outfit you’ve been craving.

Just looking at all your comments to everyone its pretty obvious you are a Nintendo fanboy that’s having trouble understanding that companies don’t want to put in the extra effort to port games to the switch. Its not as simple as “donwgrade the graphics”. It takes considerably more work than that.

I don’t purchase games with paid loot boxes so none of this effects me anyways

Yeah I came into the same problem where I put probably in the range of 10-20 days in each of the call of duties up until BO3. The difference between playing 100 hours and playing 100 hours to try and get some gun is that for that entire time you’re getting killed by people with that same gun you’re trying for. It

The difference is the uneven playing field. You have to spend “according to the article” hundreds of hours to be competitive. This can sour the experience from the moment you start.

It’s also difficult when no one everyone in the country is tall enough too malnourished to reach the “launch” button.

It’s also difficult when no one in the country is tall enough to reach the “launch” button.

If they have any safety features like we did in the 40's it shouldn’t go off from any failures, however It’s North Korea... A paperclip could be the safety pin.

Lol is this a real question?

North Korea has an enormous amount of pride and appreciates the attention when others watch.... Sounds like how a proud child wants others to watch their first softball game.

Sorry, who’s denying you the right to an education and a job? Because if they are that’s illegal, and you can sue.

again with the full on inability to answer simple questions.

Or they just don’t let the word have power over them. I personally find it rather silly when someone lets a word have such a detrimental effect on their person. Having been bullied for most of my public schooling, I have formed a rather thick skin to that kind of stuff.

And someone calling white person a Cracker, Red Neck, Hick, Limey, Peckerwood, White Trash, etc. isn’t? Again, it is subjective.

Societal or individual, it is still subjective. Following your logic, Asian Americans are the most privileged race in America. And words only have power over you if you let them. It is still subjective.

“Can you imagine the uproar if white people were enslaved for hundreds of years,”

Racism is about race, not power. But if you really want to go down that route, could a homeless white person never be racist against a rich black politician? That’s the flaw in that logic, who has the power is completely subjective.

Actually, it makes complete logical sense.

God damn you people are so fucking ignorant.