
1. Glad to see Jason still works here.

“A new cinematic trailer for the game showed a group of treasure hunters fighting against what could be demons, or private equity executives.”
Literal spit-take. I’ll send you the bill for a new keyboard since this one got coffee on it.

I used to work for NextGen America for a few months last election season as a fellow. Honestly I had a mostly positive experience. The pay was great, a $500 stipend every 2 weeks with a 15 hr/week work commitment. The work wasnt too hard either, just register students to vote by hosting a booth on campus or walk

13 years ago, my career started in the QA department of EA Vancouver. The segregation and the “second class employee” thing was very real. QA was segregated in this big warehouse they called “IHOQ” - y’know, international house of QA. having aspirations of building a career as a game dev, i jumped ship to a smaller

I wish I could say this story surprises me. It’s why I left the industry. And many other good testers I know. The only people who stick around long-term care just enough about games not to get fired, but don’t feel like they can do anything else. Even then they jump from company to company, from project to project,

As a QA lifer, I sincerely thank you for this piece of work. Please continue to peel back the cover on the treatment of a critical component of game development that is constantly overlooked and underrepresented.

“They told us the AC was broken, even though it worked all day and turned off at the exact same time each day,” said a second tester. “No matter how much we pressed them to do something or get it fixed, nothing would happen.”

I work in development, not in games, but in development. Testing is the hardest thing to do and it is the last line of defense before something goes out to a customer. I don’t get why software companies don’t understand this. Even the one I work for has no one specifically designated as ‘qa’ we get our CSR’s to do

“... But the explicit phrasing was that you were not supposed to interact with or talk to them. Which was very strange to me.”

This is why you unionize. Except we won’t fucking do it because as Americans we’re apparently broken at such a fundamental level we think we deserve this treatment to get ahead. And who told you that...?

Y'all motherfuckers need unions

I’ve been a programmer for years, a lead programmer for 1.5 years, and now a game designer for 1.5 years. It never ceases to amaze me how poorly QA are treated. :(

But is it really Xbox Live without teenagers questioning my sexuality and describing their conquests of my mother?

AMG is seeking enforcement by a federal court of a federal trademark. That enforcement is the government act that would putatively violate the First Amendment. This is a fair use issue.

If you are in the 1% and inveigh against the undue power of the 1%, that is not hypocrisy, that is integrity.

Sanders was referring to an April 10 story by ThinkProgress, among others, that noted that the Vermont senator is a millionaire, which the site called “very off-brand and embarrassing.”

Paul Ryan you are a fucking murderer. So are all the grotesque pieces of garbage that voted with you.

>Alternately, Bernie himself could run for president. What would this accomplish?

It’s almost as if they have different people working on different things at the same time. Insane.

There’s also the fact that direct purchases undeniably mean better content for everyone. When you’ve got loot boxes you can get away with having 1 great skin and a dozen crappy ones because people will disregard the crappier ones in an attempt to get to the good one, which has lower odds. But with a cosmetics store,