I don’t know if I like this. I mean clearly this guy has views I strongly disagree with. But... so? That means he can’t work on games?
I don’t know if I like this. I mean clearly this guy has views I strongly disagree with. But... so? That means he can’t work on games?
I’m literally the wokest person I know (and I currently live in Portland) but you are going out of your way to find something to be offended about. I don’t make a habit of telling another POC how to feel but there’s literally a million other things to be outraged about. Let this one slide.
Stop using LH to push your personal racial agenda.
Trypophobia is made-up internet meme, like hating the word “moist” or having strong feelings about pineapple on pizza.
well, maybe..
Someone learned how to copy and paste today.
Calm your tits with the spam, my God.
No. Microsoft isn’t entangled with the Chinese or Russian governments, for one.
can you stop posting the same reply on every comment. It remains to be seen
I think there might be a few comments you haven’t posted this on, should probably get on that.
I don’t think it should take much to understand why the concerns regarding Tencent and people’s feelings regarding Microsoft aren’t exactly apples to apples here.
The issue with Tencent has more to do with them being in the pocket of an authoritarian government.
You have bought a limited license to play the game on the platform for which you bought it. That license does not explicitly include Nvidia’s platform so the publisher doesn’t want this happening (...because they think they can make more money off of it by reselling it).
You can literally spend $20 and have it last you a decade and never worry about the shitty design decision to seal a battery in the device.
I have a near launch PS4 controller still and while it still works its battery life kind of sucks. While I have an old Xbox 360 controller I still use for my PC and it's great once I replace its batteries. I'd much prefer the option to do the same with my PS4 controller.
Is Sony guaranteeing their rechargeable battery capacity will NEVER diminish over time? Is the battery easily replaceable, if at all? Will Sony to make replacement batteries? Is there the usual battery rhetoric (damage, fire, castration, etc) about 3rd party accessories (like some unknown brand like Sonee)
What you might be missing is that these clowns are in Utah where, due to our geography, we regularly have the most polluted air in the nation. Because of the winter inversions along the Wasatch front we have dozens of winter days where kids can’t play outside as the air is classified as dangerous to breathe. It’s not…
eat the shit directly out of my ass