
That’s a prototype demo for this game, not the same game.

This was literally made by a single person indie developer.... When did you develop your severe brain damage?


Delete this comment please. Nothing about it is right aside from Bright Memory (which ISN’T THIS) being on Steam. So because Assassin’s Creed Odyssey was on last gen that makes Vahalla just the same thing right? That's literally what you are saying here.

This game was literally developed entirely by a single person, and was using an existing code base already made for PC. You’re being ridiculously unfair to judge this system as a whole based off solely this. If this is what one guy can do, imagine what 200-300 can do with proper resources. 

Is this a joke? It’s Prince, without hesitation. Why? He wasn’t a motherf**king child predator... -_-

Except for the fact that once the Li-ion battery in a Dualshock wears out (like they ALL do), the controller becomes wired only or must be replaced entirely.... Now how is that the better, more consumer friendly option again???

It’s PCIe 4.0 w/ most likely NVMe 1.3 (could be 1.4, but I’d honestly be a bit surprised if either it or Sony’s drive are).

You can mount it horizontally, at which point it’s no taller than a GameCube... -_-

The author of this article's an idiot for leaving the fact that it can be horizontally mounted out of this article explicitly about the device's size & placement in homes. If you can fit a GameCube in your entertainment center height-wise, you can fit a Series X. It's not nearly as big as people seem to think.

You realize you can mount the Series X horizontally, right??? If you can fit a GameCube in your entertainment center height-wise, you can surely fit a Series X.

The author of this article realizes that it can be used horizontally as well too, right???? -_-

Microsoft likely won’t need reinstalls after patches either... And the PS5 IS less powerful. That isn’t debatable, that’s cold hard fact. Faster storage will never be able to make up for less GPU & CPU horsepower, and all but 1st party games will be designed for the baseline storage speed anyways. Aka, Xbox/PC's.  

You are thinking of system RAM in a PC, not VRAM for a GPU. VRAM bandwidth is MASSIVELY important to a system’s gaming performance. It’s arguably the biggest reason for the Xbox One X’s significant performance advantage over the PS4 Pro. The Series X’s 320-bit bus (vs 256bit for the PS5) WILL have notable performance

The Xbox Series X is actually 12.16 TFLOPs, NOT 12. Please correct the article!!! You can manually calculate this figure pretty easily yourself to double check.

Did you SERIOUSLY just call Dragonball Z a “godawful kids’ cartoon”?.... O_O

Gotta agree with TadBravo here. While I appreciate the sentiment, this post of yours here does far more harm than good, and simply opens up the comments with a tidal wave of negativity. Saying you could have worded this with more tact would be a massive understatement.

Ridiculously entitled Pokemon fans such as yourself are the entire reason I can’t stand that series pitch black toxic & insufferable fandom, but way to throw some unfounded hate at a development project & team that had absolutely NO BEARING on ANY part of Sword & Shield’s development!

Holy CCP brainwashed muppet, Batman! The CCP & thus PRC is arguably the most evil organization that has existed in the past 2 centuries, with a body count that would make the Nazi’s blush. America has a crap-ton of problems & has done plenty of awful stuff, but trying to equate them with the crimes of authoritarian

Abyss...? Really? It’s not a bad game by any means, but it’s by far from a particularly special one (IMO & many other’s; lots of ≈7.5ish review scores). Personally, it just felt like a near across the board inferior version of the Tales of Symphonia formula to appease the PS2 market. Now I love Symphonia to freaking