
Phantasy Star II >>>> IV, even if I’m rather partial to IV’s nice battle background art.

Hahaha, no it most definitely does still matter. Emulating the CELL is still a nightmare thanks to it’s absolute weirdness (and requires a good deal of CPU grunt), it’s just far more feasible a feat to actually accomplish than for the 360 because at least they have access to a lot of good road maps/technical materials

You’re totally right in that the 360's tri-core w/ SMT (6 threads total) PowerPC CPU is FAR simpler than the CELL (of which it was pretty much just 3x of the CELL’s PPU [the 1 full fat core] connected together), but the reason PS3 emulation is so much further ahead than 360 is because CELL wasn’t just used in the PS3,

Doubtful sadly (unless it runs a bunch better on Nvidia, which is definitely a possibility though).

Reading is a challenge for some people, I get it (and oh boy does it show in your grammar and spelling *facepalm*). They also tend to struggle with things like remembering to wipe their butts after they go to the bathroom. Another reason I pray to god no one I care about is ever in a car accident anywhere near

You and both haha! Still in the middle of Shido’s palace & I keep getting distracted by other stuff/games despite how grade freaking A awesome it is (I’m a huge Persona fan, but had to wait for the RPCS3 PS3 emulator for Windows to get where I needed to actually play the copy of the game I bought because I’m a PC only

Final Fantasy XV - Windows Edition.

That “ninth gen” you speak of is already here. It’s this crazy thing called a “PeeCee” lol. And Final Fantasy XV - Windows Edition is quite possibly the most gorgeous game I have ever played (they remade a whole bunch of the textures, artwork, models, etc as new, native 4K assets). Like holy freaking crap my eyeballs

That “ninth gen” you speak of is already here. It’s this crazy thing called a “PeeCee” lol. And Final Fantasy XV - Windows Edition is quite possibly the most gorgeous game I have ever played (they remade a whole bunch of the textures, artwork, models, etc as new, native 4K assets). Like holy freaking crap my eyeballs

I think she’s referring to Blood & Wine, but what you’re referring to was one of my most very favorite things about The Witcher 2 (which is saying something as it’s one of my most favorite games). Being able to go back and see everything from Roche’s perspective after playing through Iorveth’s the first go around was

But the ending of Persona 3 is the best part!!! (I get chills thinking of the extra gravity scene bc dah moon scene and as everyone’s being smooshed into the ground Mitsuru craning to look up and screaming “I WILL NOT SUBMIT!” *shudders*...). But yeah, that final boss fight with Nyx can be a SERIOUS slog on the higher

Oh Bloodborne. The PC gamer’s ever forbidden fruit. Always taunting us with it’s deliciousness just immediately out of our reach, yet never quite enough (at least imo) to be worth dropping $200-300 on a black box 1/6th as fast as my PC solely to be able to play it.

HAHAHA really wish I’d seen your post before I replied exactly the same thing XD.

Lol have you ever watched the original films? Rapidly crossing back, forth, and in between huge genre gaps like say horror, comedy, slapstick, and gore-hound is kind of the entire series’ bread and butter, and IMO what makes it so uniquely enjoyable.

Lol so someone who literally used to build & sell PC’s for a living (and still does 3-6x builds a year for fun & to help others) is using his Dad’s PC to post... Sure, THAT makes sense. Let’s just pretend the fact I haven’t lived with my parents in well over a decade, and have built all my own computers from scratch,

Hahaha mmk, that makes much more sense. I was just really confused because I came in expecting this horrifically off pitch disaster, but what I got was totally decent singing (as I’d expect outta someone like Fergie), but to an absolutely god awful and freaking weird to the highest order arrangement. That’s not bad

Ok, now that’s just totally banaynays.

For reals. Even Bowser, a certified serial kidnapper, was getting invited. If you’re letting it that riff-raff Mario, what the hell’s wrong with poor old Stanley? His job’s crap, and as an ex-plumber you should be able to relate, so throw him a damn bone won’t ya?

Sadly, your take isn’t particularly hot, or even lukewarm really haha. Look up through the rest of the thread and you’ll see you’re only the 5-6th person to post so far that was persuaded into new Mini ownership by the reboot.

No no no. You see, in Soviet Russia doping does you! There such is very fine, yes??