Never popular?
Never popular?
This looks pretty badass, I was skeptical
Funny people are getting pissed, hardware has advanced a lot in ~7 years (when the specs of the ps3 were built)
If you're female, teenagers will already do this in games without you asking.
Haha, this looks so dumb
@Garudyne: I played 120 hours on the ps3, not a single freeze.
@csanders984: And that's a problem, harm to animals is only one step away from harm to humans.
@CloserDivision: Yeah, the music and the way it was filmed made it pretty depressing.
Shadow of the Colossus and Ico would be god tier
@senselocke: Thing is, MMOs evolve so much that you could easily play the same game for 5 years, if not 10, if it's well maintained.
would be nice to see more games actually able to use all the names/teams.
@Prinny1God: No, that's what I mean.
Haha, no.
some adults have this too, it's more related to the fact that babies don't know language, so they relate more things to people's expressions.
Wait so is this game a giant escort quest?
And WoW suddenly became the official fur affinity chat board
That's actually a helluva lot better than I thought it'd be.
@cihx: wait, what class action lawsuit brought on the end of the good return policy?
@Altima NEO: I've never seen anyone actually be able to pull off the O_o face.