@UCHU: Hobo High, man
@UCHU: Hobo High, man
@AndrosZ: Honestly, it doesn't really sound like a huge leap forward...
I really love how soft all the backgrounds look, makes it look gorgeous on the system.
@nflsonic: Seeing as I've paid around $600 for WoW, and only regret maybe the last month that I played...
@Tyber_Zann: Actually, cool thing is that with the leagues you'll probably find good competition without going 0-20 and raging, no matter how terrible you might be.
@wazups2x: I'd say a game that's been in development for years and years is worth a $60 price tag.
@mcderek3000: lol no
@Skitch: music was my fav part of it, great job overall!
@Mike Fahey: Is it preferable to just e-mail tips@kotaku.com instead of using hashtags?
@GimmeCat: Guess we'll see, maybe I have too much hope in the masses.
@sgraff87: You, my friend, are an anomaly!
Prepare to get dominated by MoH, Call of Duty.
It looks like it's trying to be a Supra O_o.
@def PD: Best free falling done in any game - Just Cause 2, check out the demo if you haven't.
@uppitycracker: If you like GTA, there's a very good chance you'd like APB.
$9.99 is a good price.
Pretty awesome of you Kotaku
@GameBadger: My roommate already does =\
@jamuszero: My guild used to sell gold because we had such a ridiculous amount banked.
Gold farmers are generally really chill people.