
@Jerm Deeks: You're assuming that everyone who pirates doesn't ever buy the game that they pirated.

@Agumen: That's disgusting.

@Apollinarius: Just because hardcore gamers aren't really thrilled with the Wii, doesn't mean we don't still love Nintedo's franchises!

@Yshaana: You know if they actually released these statistics it would do a lot more good than the DRM does.

@kickingtotalass: The question asked was: "have you *EVER* pirated a PC game"

@logikil: I don't need/want a Wii, I have everything else though.

@K_dawg: And it's people like you who equate physical stealing to online piracy that create ridiculous DRM that causes MORE people to pirate.

@C0M470S3: And you also have to take into account the amount that would physically steal the product (whereas pirating online there's no net loss in product)

@christill: The poll question was simply: Have you ever pirated whatever.

@accesiviale: Yeah, I was ridiculously disappointed with C&C 4

@Chocobo_Shepherd: Blame Madden that no other football game gets licenses

Ha, zig zag?

Nonono bad lawsuit.

@izzitaspider: If they can carry movies and music, they should carry games.

haha that wide eyed face of a child's first game experience.

$15? sweeeeeet

looks sooo good

This chart is depressing.