
Wow. I may have found my new hero. I didn't think anyone at Deadspin was allowed to say anything negative about Hillary. :p

I see a definite use for this. Suppressing populous uprisings.

Given that this is a Russian system, it likely cost 1/4 to 1/10 whatever the US equivalent system would cost. That changes on side of the “cost effective” question

Yes. We’re not your fucking therapists. If you want to whine, go post on Gawker - where your fellow whiners can star you out of the greys.

Did you read Tyler’s article? The point is, it’s easier to keep a UAV at 50,000 feet in view of satellite communications than a baby tank driving around a city street. Try driving around a city while keeping a view of the southern sky. There are places you won’t be able to go.

Everybody, when a cop stops you. listen to his directions, give him the documents he wants, be polite, THEN SHUT UP. Tell him you will talk to your counsel and let it be. Everything you say can hurt your case. Deal with it later, before the magistrate.

but last 1/16 the time before breakdown

Shut the fuck up.

Here’s a tip from a dog lover for people who don’t own dogs. There were some basic mistakes by the players in this video. The dog is scared. If you are seen as a threat, the dog will not come. Don’t jog up to it and expect it not to cower when you clumsily grasp at it. Just wait for it to approach you while your hand

Fucking Amish.

Well, one religion in particular. Not many lutherans building dirty bombs or sawing peoples heads off.

I used to think it was all about oil. Oh, what a silly fuck I was!

We’re fighting for the right to sit in our lawn chairs and enjoy the sunshine without someone shoving his religion up our collective assholes.

Some people don’t like the idea of chilling out so you need to stop them.

This is cute now, but just wait until Mama Bear comes charging in from centerfield and mauls Kris Bryant for getting between her and her cubs.

Comments laughing at how butthurt those types of fans get wouldn’t even exist without them vocalizing how butthurt they are...about comments laughing at how much they’re butthurt.

They feed the hate machine that in turn feeds them. It's a Sports Ouroboros and it's a thing of beauty.


Umpires get a lot of shit, but for today at least that ump is a hero.

Of course there is. This is true at every level of government. But it’s certainly no worse, and the military is not nearly as influential within the government itself as people with an axe to grind would like us to believe.

There has to always be THAT one putz. And today, you carry the crown.