
A few of these new CHAMP missiles over Raqqa once in a while would do nicely..... if the thing ever goes into production that is.

Yeah, this is actually something that nobody is talking about but should be.

People can say what they want about the Bushes. But, President HW Bush was a great strategist— and the last President to date who actually understood the concept, and how to maximize it’s goals via-hard, and soft power applications.

Doing things you like and being immature are not the same thing. I don’t know where that came from. I know some really silly people like to associate playing video games and riding a motorcycle with being immature, but that’s not what immaturity is at all nor are any of those things violating social norms.

I wrote you a poem:

Cool story douche.

Yah, we actually like cool shit around here!

Uhh, you’re looking for

“Most dives are fine.”

I don’t understand.

I can’t say that“I, a white American man, think she’s pretty?”

Spain, France, Amsterdam

This is a well-written, thought-provoking article.

Except, last I checked, Florida actually wanted to be a member of the United States, whereas Turkey and Georgia basically want nothing to do with Russia.

I suppose by that logic, France and Russia are “neighbors”. Only 1550 statute miles from Paris to Moscow...

Well if you’re going to assert that Russia is just trying to help out it’s neighbors like a good samaritan, then you should at least be able to engage in a discussion about, you know, who their neighbors are and what kind of ‘help’ they’re actually receiving.

Yeah, what are they even doing?! Its not like Finland has ever been invaded by Russia, especially not in modern times. What do they have to worry about?

Yes, all those damn Muslims in Ukraine.

This is called the “Tolken strategy” - When in doubt? Eagles.

These training events will not sit well with Russia, which ardently disapproves of further NATO expansion, especially in and around the Baltic Sea.