
On a flight from SFO to Haneda in Japan. Flight time approximately 11 hours.

There is no perfect answer to this and you have lots of worthy bands on the list.

What’s the over-under on how many quarters before Landry tosses his helmet in frustration?

I also experienced it for the first time at a bar in SF (It was called Brewcade back then. I think they’ve moved and re-branded as The Detour).

Once you’ve copied the Games Workshop artists style guide to the letter, why not go all the way and give it a name that will avoid all doubt where you are drawing your material from?

Fantastic work by everyone involved, but my favorite is the Dapper Cubone!

he should casually mention in an interview “That one time our equipment manager let all the air out of D’Qwell Jackson’s intercepted ball before handing it off to the NFL officials.”

While this may certainly be news to the new generation, many of us oldsters have known about this for decades. Maybe not every little detail of the timeline, but it was known, at least among myself and my fellow RPG nerds, that Gygax was responsible for the wargaming elements via his Chainmail rules but that Arneson

“Didn’t demand repayment from the QB that sacrificed his health and prime playing years behind our shitty O-Lines.”

What old-school game, or game mechanic, is long overdue for a modern revival?

I’m old, so my drink mixing days were back in the Late 70's and early 80's but back then, we called such drinks suicides.

While it is partially the responsibility of the story to give the party a reason to become a team, a DM also has a responsibility to try and make the game fun and engaging for everyone. And due to the limited time most players and DMs have for weekly [if they’re lucky] game sessions, sometimes you have to go with

 Not to compare Fulham to Chelsea, but Brian McBride was good enough during his Fulham run to be named team captain, win player of the year twice and have the stadium’s sports bar renamed in his honor after he left.

At least a dozen across social media platforms are saying that resources were unnecessarily dedicated to WNBA’ inclusion when they could have been spent on server reliability.

We had a guy like this in a current campaign I’m in. Always making stupid, reckless decisions that went against the party consensus because “that’s what his character would do”. And then when he inevitably got captured, caught in a trap, knocked down to zero HP or some other peril, it was up to the rest of us to spend

And of course, within an hour of the trailer being released, the Marnie fan art started rolling in.

I’ve got zero issues with breastfeeding in public or on a stream.

Women are never going to be able to appease the segment of the population that feel that having the combination of a penis and internet anonymity allow them to be raging a**hats.

If they are going to borrow the electricity from my home without asking, then I’m borrowing the air from all four of their tires.