
My favorite thing on the internet this year. Ducktales Pupper. No matter how many times I’ve seen it, it’s an instant mood enhancer.

At which point Neil Gaiman can sue Rowling and WB for ripping off The Books of Magic.

Reading this made me long for the days of classic Red Dead Redemption 2.

Did 2 Milly create the dance or did his choreographer?

Prolapsed Hemorrhoids dipped in chicken grease.

Are they going to patch it again when the Redskins sign him?

In light of the new evidence in the Kareem Hunt case, the NFL has decided to fine the Patriots 1 million dollars and suspend Brady for the rest of the season.

30 days alone in a dark room with a bed and little else.

Might have a bit of Auroch in his family tree.

I have no objective way of judging if Aaron or his family (or both) are the A-Holes in this scenario.  But all things being equal, I tend to support the side keeping private matters private over the side that is blabbing to the press.

I honestly didn’t know that about either of those two artists.

Well, she’s married to fighter Arnold Berdon.

Spanos missing from the list.

I played a ranked chess player once. It was as fascinating as it was humbling.

Going to go out on a limb and guess its a Swordfish reference.

I haven’t heard a new Helen Keller joke since I was in elementary school in the 70's.  Well done!

Looking forward to more Piranette artwork and cosplay because of this.

We all knew the turn was coming, but I was caught off guard with them going ahead of it the same night Roman made his unexpected announcement.

No snarky/smarky comments.  Just wishing him well and hope he beats it again.

I feel like I’ve seen that face somewhere before.