So, Mayweather wanted to bet on the fight ending in 9.5 rounds and the referee just happened to call a stoppage at 9.5 rounds with McGregor still on his feet...
So, Mayweather wanted to bet on the fight ending in 9.5 rounds and the referee just happened to call a stoppage at 9.5 rounds with McGregor still on his feet...
Seems like she belongs in Darkstalkers more than Street Fighter.
Successfully pre-ordered mine.
Now they need to add Judge Dredd.
I’m a happily married man, long since out of the dating scene, but what’s wrong about complimenting someone on their T-Shirt? I’m a geek, and if I run into someone with a cool geek shirt, especially if it’s one where only die-hard geeks will get the reference, I’ll often compliment the person on their shirt.
It’s been a while since I’ve played or GM’d but back when I ran a campaign, one of my most useful aids was my self-made Tavern Rumor Table.
Still waiting for the NFL to hand down the Colt’s penalties for having under-inflated footballs and an illegal needle on the sideline during the 2014-15 AFC Championship game.
This weekend will be a medley of games
On the plus side, at least for fans of 31 teams, maybe Brady will finally retire after getting another ring this year.
Path of Exile’s massive 3.0 update just went live about two hours ago. I’ll be splitting time between that and Splatoon 2's first post-release Splatfest.
Scrolled down to comments while squinting my eyes. I will come back and read the article and the comments after I watch the episode on Sunday.
I didn’t grow up in San Diego but I lived there for many years and many of my friends and former co-workers were lifelong Chargers fans.
Arms was a nice distraction while I waited for Splatoon 2 to release, but I haven’t touched it since.
Unsung Story, which crowdfunded over $660,000 in 2014, is one of the biggest Kickstarter failures of all time.
The Rams will be embraced by all the fans who have room in their schedule and budgets after they are done rooting for the Dodgers, Angels, Raiders, Lakers, Clippers, Kings, Ducks, Galaxy, USC Football, UCLA Football and UCLA Basketball.
Well then...
He’s either going to become the President’s most trusted advisor or have the shortest tenure of the Trump presidency.