
"I may have committed some light treason."

CBC interviewed a rural Trump voter last week. Not sure how representative it was, but these people don't care about any of that, they don't care about the Russian possible collusion. They think Trump has had more hits than misses, and that he's really trying. After all that, I'm not sure there's anything Trump could

"Lisa, a man with lots of money is less likely to want more compared to a man who's money supply is low."

This is taking too long. I naively thought impeachment was just around the corner when Trump refused to divest himself of all his business holdings.

I assumed Frum was an expert, but I'll have to take what he says with a grain of salt from now on. And he was a speechwriter for W.

David Frum was on CBC last night and explained that if Trump did collude with the Russians it isn't actually treason and not illegal. Treason is defined as giving aid and comfort to the enemy, and currently Russia is not America's enemy. I was disappointed to hear that, although if Trump did it, it's so obviously

Sure, have segregated plans, call them "whitecare" and "minoritycare", tell the whites their plan is better but secretly fund both plans the same. Like when your Mom gives you and your brother your own bowls of popcorn because I'm not sharing Darryl!!

I think there should be civilian oversight of everything God does.

Reminds me of that Bill Hicks bit where each new president goes into a room, with a bunch of shadowy men. they put on a video of the Kennedy assassination from an angle never seen before by the public. They say "any questions?". The reply "Just what my orders are." *cue scary music*

An alternative is "Well let me tell you what Bill Clinton did!"

Yeah, it's basically the defense a five year old would use when they get in trouble.

What was the rule?

Like Bill did?

I say let her keep running. The Law of Averages says she'll win eventually. Just gotta sit tight and be patient.

Okay then, Bill Murray.

George Clooney, he's already got experience from that movie Ides of March.

Well you need someone who can effectively communicate those progressive ideas, which would actually benefit most of those "mainstream Americans". I don't know who that is though , maybe Oprah?

I really hope the Democrats get their act together and put forth a truly progressive candidate for 2020, but I'm worried. It's frustrating to see the progressive ones get sidelined every time - Kucinich, Gravel, and of course Sanders. Maybe they're worried about losing voters by being too "left"?

Where's the left's version of Rush Limbaugh?

As mandated by Canadian Charter of Rights, each newborn is presented the hockey pads by Don Cherry and get a framed photo with him!