
All Hands is my favourite too as far as overall recorded sound and songwriting.

It's like if a guy showed up at your door "You hand me over your retirement savings, and I'll replace it with something better!"

"Good folk", "Regular Americans" "Hardworking Americans" "Strong Families"

Oh, that's nice that God forgave him. He could have said his teddy bear forgave him and it would have the same level of sincerity to me.

"Ladies and gentlemen, *gulps* President Palin"

Christ, it gets more depressing every day. Trump having no understanding of policy at all and no governing experience, vs. Clinton who is policy nerd!

"She's a wealthy elite, dishonest and out of touch with the average American! I'm voting for Donald J. Trump."

Yeah good case in point. I doubt the bassist of Poison could come up with that.

I've got that EP Veruca Salt recorded with Albini and some very good tracks on there.

Not a big Green Day fan, but I appreciate what they do and agree with them being original sounding. One aspect that I think sets them apart are the melodic bass lines as well as the bass sound, it has it's own personality in the mix. I wonder if some producers tried to tone that down, if so I am glad the band

Yes indeed! By the way I was just listening to Burham Beeches, it is classic Lush.

I'm sure one of them farted loudly this morning.

Upper class tax cuts will really show the terrorists!

I would be a shame if they Leave Them (noisey effects) All Behind.

Somehow, alcohol has helped preserve Bob Pollard's voice.

Yeah the Dirt of Luck is one of the best guitar records ever. So inventive, every song is awesome, no filler.

I love the album "Ex Hex" by the mid-2000's Mary Timony band. Saw them live in a church in Toronto, it was math rocky-progish awesomeness.

The best is when he said "Jenny McCarthy and her fellow neuro-surgeons at The View don't think vaccination is safe"

Man, I hope Rex Murphy next commentary is about this story. I could see him laying some sick burns on Subway!

We can expect the Trump supporters, with their strong sense of ethics, to be chanting "Lock him up" any day now.