
To Mississippi? God, no.

I wonder what's on Trump's playlist. Wagner?

Watch out for the upcoming executive order banning Lutherans.

George W. Bush

Yes, sometimes I'm nostalgic for Bush.

The square in the what now?

Stewart/Franken 2020.

They say you can identify an American traveler because they have the most Canadian flags on their backpacks!

Knowing Rush, he admitted to his mistake on air and gave a sincere apology.

It was to help stop the spread of communist beers.

"Mr. President, you've violated 26 of the 27 amendments to the Constitution!"
"I missed one?"

They're going to repeal the Pumpkin Spice Latte and replace it with something better (Turkish coffee).

I'll take a Grande, uh no make that a Newt Pike Place please.

They should have ordered bruschetta.

Tax Returns in the Attic


"James, what do you make of your success?"

Simple solution: California, Oregon, Washington State along with New England joins Canada! There's a country, that's a country.

The Teflon Don!

That reminds me of Nancy Pelosi's "impeachment is off the table" during the Bush admin.