
Exactly what wonderful place is mosquito free?

Graphic, but oh, so very boring. Yes, we get it, Jondalar is big and the sex is awesome. Shut up!

I just want to reach into that classroom and punch so many faces.

Vanishingly few girls today would know what a belt has to do with it, they've been painfully out of date for at least 35 years.

My mother's cousin got her period at nine, and nobody had told her anything. It was, apparently, quite traumatic. You gotta be ready for these things, even at nine years old.

And yet, I know people with serious food aversions from impoverished backgrounds, including in the third world. (Of course, it was easier for them when nobody expected them to eat anything but beans and rice.)

No, because that's both dickish and factually incorrect.

It's not. If you actually broaden your own horizons a bit, you'll find that food aversions occur in all demographics, in all parts of the world.

White bread is heavily fortified. As far as scurvy goes, potatoes - even potato chips - are actually a decent source of vitamin C. However, yes, eventually you're running the risk of a deficiency disease.

Maybe they just don't like eating rotten milk curds.

Interesting fact: Food aversions and ADHD are comorbid.

LOL. I dare you to go right now and tell a speech language pathologist or an occupational therapist that training kids to just eat more foods is "easy", just a matter of "conditioning".

Actually, I know plenty of poor people whose kids are on extremely restricted diets due to food aversions. The thing is, when the only thing Mom can afford to feed her kids is frozen french fries and frozen chicken nuggets, well, its probably a relief if the kid is willing to eat just that forever.

And where did you get your medical degree?

So you think these people are choosing to not be able to go on interviews at restaurants? They are choosing to go hungry at family gatherings, and bear the scorn of everybody around them? They are choosing to not be able to do "dinner and a movie" with a date, ever?

It IS obnoxious, and rude, but I think sometimes people in this situation try to make it sound like a choice (your food is "disgusting") because it makes them feel less… out of control.

Sure. But they don't live long.

Me on pizza night: Onions AND grilled onions? Yes please!

Nowadays, we tend to call smoked salmon "lox", but traditional lox is brine cured and not smoked at all.

Funnily enough, the original is a spring song.