Sexually propositioning a woman and her mom at a stoplight?
I'm guessing if they can't find him he was probably an eligible lineman.
Loser has to settle for the Morgan Stanley internship this summer.
12. Getting hit by a carbomb.
I lost all respect for Mike Commodore when he refused to wear number 64 on his jersey. Asshole. He could have had the biggest selling NHL jersey of all time.
It wouldnt be the Mounties, they aren’t in Ontario. It would be the OPP, who we are all down with in Toronto.
This will be a tough challenge, citizen. On one robotic hand, people watched her streams because of the sex appeal she has, the main selling point of watching her streams, much like people enjoyed watching me get blown to pieces by small arms fire.
Billy, buddy... that’s not what “in lieu of” means. It means “instead of.” I’m not going to be one of those assholes who rolls through and makes a huge deal over Gawker/Deadspin/etc. not having proper editors, but that should definitely be caught/fixed.
If you’re going to use big fancy words like “in lieu” please try to understand what they mean before clicking publish.
in lieu of his sexual relationship with a 15-year-old girl
I love me some GG, and Bea Arthur was a national treasure.
This is great and all, but how about talking about Gawker’s lawyers arguing that Hogan’s sex tape was, and yes, this is a quote, “a matter of legitimate public concern”.
He’s doing his job to the best of his ability.
Lawyers are “just the best” until you or your business needs one.
Now at this point in Kyle’s story, the part of me who is the teenager who came of age in Brooklyn started bubbling up– and my hands started itching to take my earrings out and hold them while I got CRAZY.
She's definitely not the first Jackie to be familiar with brutal head shots.