
I don’t ask for much, universe, but please: Keep Cavill away from NFTs. 

Fail ? They sell like hot cakes. BTW, everybody I know who wanted a console got one, including me... All it took was walking into a store the day Ratchet & Clank came out and buy one. My brother in law preorder his in june, got it in august. Same for a couple of friends. All it takes is patience, something many people

Nobody saw this shortage coming. And you can’t just “delay” a console launch planned years in advance with every company in the chain (game devs, manufacturers, retailers, etc.), let alone change its specs. Both consoles needed a refresh anyway, since many games were held back by the necessity to run on 2013 hardware.

Everything I read about this game makes it sound awesome. Can’t wait until it is ported to the Switch. 

I am flippin’ vibrating. I am so excited. This idea of a Hornet mode was stretch goal from the kickstarter, then it was going to be DLC, and people felt like it was just going to be like Richter mode in SotN. Instead, we get... ALL THIS. A whole all out sequel. I feel like getting a Team Cherry tattoo.