Smash Bros community on girls getting molested in hotel rooms: It’s bad I guess, but there’s no reason we should be talking about it.
Smash Bros community on girls getting molested in hotel rooms: It’s bad I guess, but there’s no reason we should be talking about it.
LOL. I made the original 3rd Strike screenpack in either 2001 or 2002 that they edited in this game. Over the years it got updated by other people and now it is Harambe VS Capcom. This trips me out. :D
Indeed, that would be the man who did the old Evil Ken sprite work. Completely familiar with the work myself. It’s nice to see a fellow creator in the M.U.G.E.N Community still alive & kicking.
Nice to see M.U.G.E.N. and my old Evil Ken work still making the rounds.
>_< They Best Buy Geek Squad’d you. I HAAAAAATE when company’s Best Buy Geek Squad me and just halfass a solution no matter how much real damage it causes. I usually file a vicious complaint with calls and emails floods until they give me a 1:1 solution.
It’s too big to fit in my pocket, though, which makes it less portable than I’d really like. And the whole point of a handheld is portability.
This is fucking flagrant disrespect by the NCAA toward our National Anthem. The NCAA hasn’t just canceled these events in North Carolina, they’ve canceled the playing of the National Anthem at these events in North Carolina as well. I’m not a member of the military but that is insanely hurtful to the many members of…
That’s some pretty good Steelers cosplay.
This is an absolute myth. I say this as both a patent, copyright, and trademark holder, and as a professional game dev. Plenty of companies (including in the gaming industry) thrive off of their fan communities’ efforts with projects like these. Square is in no danger of losing their FF patent from the myriad fan…
Any word if they are going to make source available tonight? I could easily shoe horn this into my android OGL renderer with controller support in a month.
And boom goes the dynamite.
Once you meet someone who’s been through the Christian homeschooling meat grinder, it seems a lot more believable. In my case, I’ve known a few people in various Christian sects that literally had to cut off ties with their family to get out of the nonsense.
OP is simply in for a world of hurt. He’s home schooled, sheltered and comes from an fundamentalist background. His friend is free to roam the world, engage it and grow. He’s hanging onto antiquated ideals that don’t work well in the real world. Sex before marriage is a good idea. Many Christians make a big deal that…
No. The sky’s the limit as soon as homeschooling and the Bible entered the equation.
Doesn’t really matter, Kinja videos don’t play most of the time anyway.
Yes, it does make it true. If you consider every car collision from a light scrape to a multi-car pile-up a wreck, then to you they are wrecks.