contrarian by nature

i recognize that college athetics is a money making exercise for the schools and some change is necessary—

its less about the specifics of Middlebury ( although its was simply the latest in a string of events where conservative — nee “objectionable”— speakers where shut down via the hecklers veto on college campuses) —

this is awesome — “the dogma of evidence”.

good for the NYT

Median ages for metro areas:

i dont know if i agree that the relo fees are outside of revenue sharing -

i must admit

ad hominem

There are four major carriers, and a host of smaller ones. Each offers a giant range of smartphones and connection plans

“At 40 of the 100 largest U.S. airports, a single airline controls a majority of the market”

i think principled people of both left and right have been concerned for the last eight years about the practice of launching “war-lite” without any congressional approval.

“ So typically in mid-level politics, if one candidate has a lot more money than another, that candidate will win.”

the Heritage plan replaced Medicare with vouchers.

designed to repress? i dont agree

because one conservative think tank in the 90s published a plan doesnt automatically make it a “republican plan”, even ignoring the substantive differences between the two.

“Part of why the U.S. has never become as good as soccer as it could be is because the team doesn’t have to try all that hard to qualify for the World Cup.”

a contrarian view, even though i think Pence’s view is overboard:

if you have Jermaine Jones and Micheal Bradley in the line up at the same time, and Bradley in the deep defending midfielder role — it means Jones is the midfielder that ventures forward...... and that isnt good

Setting aside the broad ad-hominem

Bobby Wood?