
Where does one find out about these meetups? I’ve been reading Jez for 6ish years AND have even commented approximately twice but sadly no invites :(

I’m a bit late but to be fair it is only 6:30 in SoCal and my nachos weren’t going to make themselves, you know?

“I don’t know her.”

Micro-loans for start-up businesses in third-world countries, and donations of a cow/goat/chickens/etc. to grievously impoverished areas, like Heifer International does. Probably would also earmark a million or so for spay/neuter programs in the States.

i’m taking the GRE at the end of the month! someone give me advice.

(only my second post or so, hi!) I’m deep in PhD woe - have a chapter due Wednesday and there’s no way I’m going to get it done in time, and yet here I am (in England where it’s already after midnight) drunk on wine and feeling sorry for myself. Anyone else wondering why they’re in grad school/postgraduate study? Or

You receive a grant of ten million dollars, which is to be used to do good some in the world. The only caveat is that you can’t spend it on yourself, or your friends and family. How do you spend it?